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Major Technology Projects

Citywide technology needs and upgrades require a comprehensive strategy to support the upgrade, replacement, and development of new solutions. 

Digital is working on a coordinated Technology Improvement Plan with Departments to inventory current solutions, define and roadmap improvements, and build a transparent process for budgeting, and project timelines. 

The purpose of a TIP is to identify technology improvement projects, identify and forecast funding sources, prioritize improvements based on funding available, and estimate a timeline for completion of individual improvements.

How Digital Helps the City De-risk Technology Projects

Ready to find a new digital tool for your team?

  1. Please fill out a Digital request form
  2. A member of the Digital team will schedule a meeting with you and the other stakeholders in your department to document the unique user needs, business requirements, and technical requirements
  3. Digital will review the existing technology landscape at the City to ensure we don’t already have a great tool for the job.
  4. We will work with you to evaluate the vendor landscape- identifying the top vendors who should be considered for your needs.
  5. We will develop an evaluation rubric with you based on your user needs, business and technical requirements, so that evaluation of each product is based on a standard set of criteria.
  6. Once each product is evaluated by the your team, we will due further due diligence on security requirements, technical interoperability with other systems at the City, and possibly get access to a sandbox or testing environment for the product.
  7. We will support your team in pricing and contract negotiation as needed and sign off on the final proposal and scope of work before the purchase takes place. For larger purchases, we will support an RFI and/or RFP process.


Digital de-risks Projects
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