This website is for City employees.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life and provide for a safe, healthy, prosperous and livable environment in partnership with the community.



Didn't find what you were looking for on the homepage? Try navigating through one of the Department pages below.

City Attorney’s Office

Providing legal advice to the City Council and City departments.

City Manager’s Office

Providing administration of all City operations.

City Clerk’s Office

Keeping the records straight.

Community Development

Working on something related to private property (i.e., not public right-of-way)? We're it.

Community Services

Improving the quality of life in our community through parks, recreation, and community services.

Digital Service & Open Government

Making City services easy to use, and work for everyone.

Economic Development

Promoting the economic vitality of San Rafael.


We make money moves.

Fire Department

Compassionate and predictable fire, paramedic, and emergency services.

Human Resources

Great vision without great people is irrelevant.


Adding value to your universe.

Parking Services

Efficient and ethical parking resources for better mobility.

Public Works

Building and maintaining our civic infrastructure.

Still can't find what you're looking for? Check out the Document Library below to search for a document, form, or policy.

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