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Data & Insights

Focus Areas

Proactively managing the needs of our community through data-driven decision making.

  • Performance measurement and data tools
  • Data governance and data management
  • GIS
  • Software landscape research and evaluation
  • Solution design and delivery support

What We Do

Data Tools and Dashboards

Our Data and Insights team works with Departments to build data tools that help provide insight into operations, measure the impact of programs, and improve the visibility of trends. Data tools can include Department reporting dashboards the show key metrics across your Department. Some examples include the Illegal dumping dashboard, Use of Force dashboard, and Police Incident dashboard.

Performance Management

Digital developed the Performance Management program to track progress towards annual goals and objectives. The goals of our performance measurement program are to:

  • Track the City’s progress on targets set in key policy areas,
  • Track the outcomes of activities conducted by the City,
  • Use the metrics and relevant data to help inform decision-making, progress towards our goals and objectives, and improve outcomes.

Insights and analysis

What can data tell you about operations or historical trends? How can you use data to tell a story or improve services? Our team will help you not only find the right metrics to measure but assist in providing insights to tell you what story the data is telling.

Open Data

Digital manages the City’s Open Data program including the Open Data portal. The goal of this program is to increase transparency and trust with the community by providing access to City data sets and dashboards that tell the story of our work in the Community. The Open Data portal also provides access to data sets and information that typically are requested by members of the public or staff to improve self-service.

Data training

We work with Citywide Data Leaders to socialize best practices with data and support training of data tools and platforms in use across the City. We seek to empower staff through training and build capacity for self-service across Departments.

GIS Program Management

Digital manages the Citywide GIS program and coordinates with our GIS service provider to build GIS tools and applications.

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