This website is for City employees.

Policies & Procedures

Check out our policies and procedures. If you have any questions about any of the policies, please speak with your supervisor or contact HR.

Additional Resources: Policy Template

The Administrative Leave Policy covers use of Administrative Leave in cases of disciplinary issues and similar matters.

The Catastrophic Leave Policy allows employees to contribute their accrued leave to another employee who is on an approved extended medical leave.

The City Vehicle Location Monitoring governs the City of San Rafael’s use of the electronic vehicle tracking system installed in all vehicles/equipment (vehicles) owned, leased, or rented by the City that are used by its employees during the course of City business.

The City Website Management Policy ensures that the website will be maintained to provide current information which accurately reflects City events and services.

The goal of the Computer Loan Policy is to improve organizational productivity by encouraging staff purchase home computers by providing them with a modest financial incentive to do so.

The Computer Use Policy prohibits the use of City computer systems that would undermine the integrity of the system, data, and confidentiality of information contained on the systems.

Attachment to Policy: Computer Use & Security Policy Acknowledgement Form


The Disability Policy ensures that the City prohibits employment discrimination, establishes procedure determining disability, and establishes procedure investigating and resolving employment related disability.

The Discipline Policy outlines steps to be implemented when it is appropriate to administer corrective discipline and performance issues and defines the difference between the two.

A) Verbal Discussion Document
B) Notification of Unsatisfactory Work or Conduct
C) Written Reprimand
D) Notification of Intended Disciplinary Action
E) Notice of Termination or Suspension


The DOT Drug & Alcohol Policy sets forth the rights and obligations of employees covered under the Department of Transportation regulations and represents the agreement between SEIU Local 1021 and the City on its implementation.

A) Effects of Alcohol
B) Fact Sheet

The Non-DOT Drug & Alcohol Policy ensures a safe, drug-free and alcohol-free work environment for our employees. This policy sets forth the rights and obligations of covered employees.

The goal of this Employee Commute Policy is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from employee and volunteer commutes through a green commute incentive program.

The purpose of the Employee ID Card Policy is to provide direction to department representatives and new employees on how to obtain a City of San Rafael employee identification card.

The Employee Political Activities Policy provides employees with a clear understanding of what it and is not acceptable in terms of political activities and affiliations while employed by the City of San Rafael.


The Fingerprinting Policy ensure that we follow the state law requiring that every adult employee and volunteer that will have direct contact with minors be fingerprinted prior to beginning service.

The Flag Protocol Policy establishes guidelines to ensure proper display and handling of flags by City Personnel.

The Green Purchasing Policy (Janitorial) provides guidelines to purchase janitorial chemicals, soaps and cleaning products that are Green Seal certified.

The Green Purchasing Policy (Office Supplies) provides guidelines for staff to purchase products containing recycled content or re-manufactured products.

The Policy Against Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation ensures all officials, employees, applicants, and contractors are provided with an environment that is free from any form of harassment, discrimination or retaliation as defined in this Policy. It is also the policy of the City to provide a procedure for investigating alleged harassment, discrimination and retaliation in violation of this Policy.

A) Harassment Policy – Acknowledgement of Receipt
B) Harassment Complaint Form
C) Harassment Policy – Departmental Action

The Injury and Illness Prevention Plan Policy sets forth the City’s commitment and plan to ensure all city employees work in a safe and healthy environment.

Acknowledgement of Receipt of IIPP

The Integrated Pest Management Program guides the management of its parks, landscaped areas, and other essential public properties.

California law requires certain people, known as “Mandated Reporters,” to report known or suspected child abuse or neglect.  If you have been identified as a certain type of Mandated Reporter: a peace officer and/or employee of the police department under Penal Code § 11165.7(a)(19 )& (34) or a firefighter, EMT, or paramedic under Penal Code § 11165.7(a)(20) & (22). As a Mandated Reporter, you are required by the law to sign the statement below acknowledging your legal reporting obligations. Please return original copy to HR.

The Modified/Light Duty Work Policy provides employees the opportunity to work modified duty assignments while on doctor-mandated restrictions, when possible.

The Outside Employment Policy ensures employees don’t engage in any employment, activity, or enterprise for compensation which is inconsistent, incompatible, in conflict with, or inimical to his/her duties as a City officer or employee.

Outside Employment Policy- San Rafael Fire Department 

The Paid Sick Time Policy establishes the policies and procedures regarding  paid sick time in accordance with the California Labor Code section 245.

AB 1522 Paid Sick Leave – Memo to temporary employees

The purpose of the City of San Rafael Personnel Rules and Regulations is to facilitate service to the public and to provide for a fair and equitable system of personnel administration and management within the City organization.

The Position Reclassification Policy establishes procedures, requirements and timelines for requesting reclassification for any City of San Rafael classification.

A) Position Description Questionnaire
B) Reclassification Approval-Denial Form
Job Action Checklist and Routing Slip

For AFTER HOURS Reasonable Suspicion Testing, contact Preferred Alliance at (877) 272-5227.

The Redaction Policy establishes guidelines for publishing documents to the internet that include personally identifiable information.

The Response to Request for References Policy establishes guidelines for releasing personal and/or professional references to third parties. This policy helps to protect employees responding to the reference as well as the City from any potential liability.

A) Release of Liability
B) Responses to Reference Check

The Smoking Policy prohibits tobacco smoking, or like materials, in all enclosed work areas, in all City buildings, structures and vehicles and protects the health and welfare of City employees.

The Social Media Policy establishes guidelines for setting up and maintaining a City-business related social media site

The Temporary Disability Policy provides guidance on when and how temporary disability is administered in accordance with applicable Workers Compensation laws.

The Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy establishes equitable standards and achieve reasonably consistent and fair treatment insofar as the reimbursement of expenses incurred in the service of the City of San Rafael.


The Unclaimed Money Policy sets procedures for escheatment and accounting of unclaimed money in accordance with Government Code section 50050 – 50056.

Unclaimed Money Sample Newspaper Notice
Unclaimed Money-Claim Form

The Vehicle Use Policy defines the rights and responsibilities of City employees using City or private vehicles while conducting City business.

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Vehicle Use Policy 

Under California law, all employers must provide victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking with the right to take time off from work to appear in legal proceedings, such as obtaining a restraining order or other court order.

If you have any concerns, please contact your supervisor or HR.

The Website Link Policy ensures any links provided on the website are in accordance with the City’s mission and intent.

The Wireless Communication Policy establishes guidelines for the use, purchase and maintenance of wireless communications systems and devices including cellular phones, pagers, PDA’s and other forms of communication equipment.

A) DMV Cell Phone Law FAQ’s
B) IRS Listed Property RequirementsUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
C) Office of Traffic Safety Fact Sheet
D) CHP Fact Sheet

The City of San Rafael is committed to providing a workplace that is safe, secure and free from threats or acts of violence. This includes prohibiting any threatening or committing any act of violence while on duty, while on City-related business or while operating any vehicle or equipment owned or leased by the City. All acts or threats of violence toward any employee by anyone will be taken seriously and will not be tolerated. Although some violence results from societal problems that are beyond the City’s control, City management in an effort to increase protection for employees and visitors, established this Workplace Security & Violence Policy.


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