This website is for City employees.

Retirement Information

Getting ready for retirement? Don't know where to begin? Use the Retirement Benefit Estimator and checklist down below to get you started!

Retirement Planning Checklist

6 Months Before Retirement

  • Select your retirement date.
  • Request a formal retirement benefit estimate and customized application from MCERA.
  • Gather or order all of the documents you will need for retirement:
    • Birth Certificate for each beneficiary (or copy of trust agreement)
    • Your marriage license or partnership registration
  • Contact appropriate agencies or advisors to determine tax withholding.

1-2 Months Before Retirement

  • Contact MCERA's Benefits Team to get your remaining questions answered, or schedule an appointment if necessary.
  • Tell your Beneficiary which payment option you're selecting and what it means for them.
  • If you or your spouse are over 65 at retirement, enroll in Medicare with benefits effective as of your retirement date.
  • Notify your employer of your retirement date.
  • Submit your retirement application and all forms and docs to MCERA

Don’t forget to contact your deferred compensation representative if you participate in an employer-sponsored deferred compensation (457b) plan AND set up a meeting with Rhonda Castellucci to discuss retirement details @ 415-485-3474. 

Classic members: If you were an MCERA member on or before December 31, 2012, or a member of another public retirement system as of that date and came to MCERA with reciprocity, you’re a Classic member.

Classic Tiers Membership Dates Benefit Formula
General Classic Tier 1 prior to 7/1/11 2.7% @ 55
Safety Classic Tier 1 prior to 7/1/11 3% @ 55
General Classic Tier 2 7/1/11-12/31/12 2% @ 55
Safety Classic Tier 2 7/1/11-12/31/12 3% 55


PEPRA members: If you entered membership on or after January 1, 2013 and you don’t have reciprocity with another public retirement system with service prior to that date, you’re a PEPRA member.

PEPRA Tiers Membership Dates Benefit Formula 
General PEPRA Tier 3 1/1/13-Present 2% @ 62
Safety PEPRA Tier 3 1/1/13-Present 2.7% @ 57

MCERA has two workshops specific to different career stages: Mid-Career (3-20 years from retirement) and Preparing to Retire (within 2 years of retirement).

You can view schedules online and also sign up by sending an email to MCERA’s workshop team ( or calling (415) 473-4014.

  • Mid-Career Workshop Topics

    • Defined benefit vs. defined contribution
    • Fund income sources
    • Overview of service, disability and death benefits
    • Career milestones
    • Leaving before retirement
    • Reciprocity
    • Divroce
    • Calculating your benefit
    • Ways to increase your benefit
    • How to estimate your benefit at home
    • Tools & resources
    • Next steps throughout your career
  • Preparing to Retire Workshop Topics

    • Defined benefit vs. defined contribution
    • Fund income sources
    • Eligibility to Retire
    • Divorce
    • “How much will I get?”
    • “What will my beneficiary get?”
    • “How can I increase my benefit?”
    • “What date is right for me?”
    • “How do I apply?”
    • Cost of living adjustments
    • Working after retirement
    • Medical benefit subsidy plans
    • Medicare
    • Social Security


Marin County Employees’ Retirement Association (MCERA)

Address: One McInnis Parkway, Suite 100, San Rafael, CA 94903

Active Member Benefits General Information & Forms 
415-473-4148 415-473-6147
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