Employee / Team of the Quarter Nomination
Have you been inspired by an exemplary co-worker? Or seen a team work above and beyond on a project?
Since 1991, the City of San Rafael has recognized an Employee of the Quarter and Team of the Quarter, for exceptional contributions to the City. Teams can consist of a department or division, or a cross-functional group that worked on a specific project.
This a peer-to-peer program: any staff member may nominate any other staff member or team. Our hope is to recognize as many people as possible, as often as possible, for all of the great work that happens at the City.
Fill out the electronic form below OR download the Employee - Team Of The Quarter Nomination Form and e-mail your completed nomination to human.resources@cityofsanrafael.org.
View the winners from past quarters HERE!
Not sure what to write? Use the prompts below to help with your nomination:
- Describe how the Nominee(s) approached the work: did they collaborate across departments, appreciate diverse perspectives, help others succeed, assume positive intent?
- Describe how the performance is exemplary: did they take risks, try new things, seek creative solutions, find the root problem, support and enhance the reputation of the department and/or City?
- How did they support other employees? Did they serve as a role model and contribute to a positive work environment?
- How did they contribute to team work? Were they open to change, fiscally responsible? Did they seek creative solutions?
- In what ways did they “go the extra mile?” Did they honor those we serve with integrity and create an exceptional customer experience?
- Did they embody and show inclusive practices, provide an equitable outcome, create a sense of belonging?
You may also use the Together San Rafael Guiding Principles for inspiration:
- Together in Service
- Start with Community Needs
- Find Something to Say Yes To
- Reimagine the Status Quo
- Practice Openness
- Be Mindful