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Category: City News

Municipal Clerks Week: Your Elections Official

Nowadays, we contract with the County of Marin Elections Office to provide election services such as coordinating precincts, printing and counting ballots, etc., but long ago, and in many cities today, that was the responsibility of the City Clerk’s Office. With over 31,000 registered voters, you can imagine what it would be like for our … Continued

Municipal Clerks Week: One of the Oldest Government Professions

The municipal clerk, along with the tax collector, is the oldest of public servants. The Office of Clerk can be traced back to the year 1272 A.D. in the history of the Corporation of Old London. Before writing came into use, Clerks were called remembrancers. Their memory served as the public record! Here is your … Continued

50th Anniversary of Municipal Clerks Week

May 5-11, 2019 is Municipal Clerks Week and it will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. Initiated in 1969 by International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) and endorsed by all its members throughout the United States, Canada and 15 other countries. This week is a time of celebration and reflection on the importance of the Clerk’s … Continued

Message from Jim Schutz- Public Service Recognition Week

May 5-11   Dear Employees- I can’t say we planned it this way, but I can say it “feels right” that National Public Service Recognition Week comes on the heels of our very well attended Employee Recognition Luncheon last week. I don’t know about you, but I am still feeling the positivity of that luncheon … Continued

May Health Topic- Mental Health & Wellness

Welcome to our health topic for May — mental health and wellness. This month’s focus is on the importance of taking care of the mind as well as the body — with simple things you can do to stay mentally and emotionally strong. The May challenge is “Spending time with your furry friends”.  This month we … Continued

Digital update: digital services act, community engagement, and more

Digital Service Act Mayor Philips and Vice Mayor McCullough recently signed a letter to voice our support for the proposed Digital Service Act, proposed by Senator Kamala Harris. The Act would create a pool of $15 million annually in grant funding for state and local governments to hire technology talent and other digital service projects. … Continued

March Health Topic- Nutrition

Welcome to our health topic for March — nutrition. This month, we have some great tips that make healthy eating both easy and tasty. Visit to find nutritious and delicious recipes. The March challenge is “Lights Out”.  This month we encourage you to go to bed at the same time each week night (give or … Continued

February Health Topic: Heart Health

Welcome to our health topic for February — heart health. This month, we focus on simple things you can do to protect your heart and reduce the risk of heart disease. The February challenge is “Write It”.  This month we invite you to journal for 15 days.  It doesn’t matter if you use a computer or … Continued

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