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Municipal Clerks Week: Final Thoughts

Posted on May 10, 2019

We’re done with trivia, but as we close out this special week, I thought I’d share some tidbits I’ve come across while researching in our Harry Potter-like minute books from the vault… For instance, back in the day, the Board of Trustees for the Town of San Rafael needed to a place to hold their meetings (first Monday of each month) so they decided to rent out some space at the McAllister Bar downtown – that’s right, a bar. Things sure have changed!

Prize Winners:
1st Prize: Andrew Thompson
2nd Prize: Ali Giudice
3rd Prize: Christine Foster

That’s it for this year. There is nothing in our Charter or Municipal Code that says we can’t have fun AND get the job done, so thanks for making it fun and letting us hijack your inbox for a few days.  We can’t begin to express how much joy we experienced while hosting Municipal Clerks Week and hopefully creating a new tradition. Thank you to all who answered the trivia questions, right or wrong, because you brought many laughs to our office and offices all around you. If there’s ever anything we can do to assist and make your jobs easier, let us know!  Or, if you’re just in the mood for random trivia, stop by for a chat.  We’d love to see you!

For now, here is a little story board I put together to highlight the cool stuff that took place this week:


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