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Category: City News

October Health Topic: Women’s Health

Welcome to our health topic for October — Women’s Health You can find more resources at our Choose Better site The October challenge is “Break Time”.  The Break Time challenges invites you to consciously take a break at work each day during the month of October.  We know that many of you have mandatory breaks, but many … Continued

September Health Topic: Flu Prevention

Welcome to our health topic for September- Flu Prevention. You can find more resources at our Choose Better site September: The September challenge is “Soup Kitchen”.  The Soup Kitchen challenges invites you to make one soup a week.  Generally speaking homemade soup is healthy because it contains nutritious vegetables and beans, which are sometimes hard to work … Continued

August Health Topic: Weight Management

Welcome to our health topic for August- Weight Management. You can find more resources at our Choose Better site The August challenge is “Drop Pop”.  The Drop Pop challenges invites you to give up soda during the work week.  This includes all types of sodas; regular, diet and caffeine-free.  We know that although soda might taste great, … Continued

July Health Topic: Sun Safety

Welcome to our health topic for July — Sun Safety. You can find more resources at our Choose Better site. The July challenge is “Fruit Basket”.  The fruit basket challenges invites you to keep fruit available for the next 31 days.  Try placing it on the counter in your kitchen, dining table, or somewhere in your … Continued

June Health Topic: Men’s Health

Welcome to our health topic for June — Men’s Health. You can find more resources at our Choose Better site. The June challenge is “Tree Hugger”.  The Tree Hugger challenges invites you to enjoy nature 300 minutes over the next 30 days.  That’s only 10 minutes a day!  Choose something you enjoy doing; go outside, eat … Continued

Municipal Clerks Week – Day 5

Sadly this is the closing of everyone’s favorite week of the year. COVID-19 didn’t stop us from celebrating with all of you, it just looked a little different and we promise to bring extra snacks next year since we couldn’t feed you this time. Thank you for letting us take over your inboxes for a … Continued

Municipal Clerks Week – Day 4

Your Municipal Clerk We love what we do. Whether we are serving as Elections Official, Filing Officer or custodian of record, we are constantly learning and adapting to the changing needs of our constituents and City team. Just 10 years ago we began live-streaming our City Council meetings to provide greater access to our community, … Continued

Municipal Clerks Week: The Elections Official

Did you know the City Clerk is the Elections Official? What that means is we assist candidates in meeting their legal responsibilities before, during and after an election. From election pre-planning to certification of the election results and filing final campaign disclosure statements, the City Clerk manages the process which forms the foundation of our … Continued

Municipal Clerks Week – Day 2

The City Clerk: Your Filing Officer Did you know that City Clerks are Political Reform Act filing officers? The Political Reform Act’s mission is to serve as the legal bedrock of governmental ethics in California and City Clerks play an important role in helping to ensure provisions of the Political Reform Act are effectively and efficiently … Continued

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