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1457 Results Found

Welcome to Finance! Here, you'll find the resources you need for all finance-related stuff, from Purchasing, to Budget documents, to forms and policies. Use the menu to the left to navigate through our different divisions and to find some helpful resources. You can also search through the Document Library below, which hosts all Finance documents.


Our GIS is extremely helpful when looking for zoning information, checking jurisdiction and much more. Here are some helpful tips and tricks: Search Tips: Use numbers for numbered streets: 3rd, 4th, or 5th NOT 'third', 'fourth', or 'fifth' No periods after 'st', 'ave', etc. Use dashes in Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APN's) like '123-456-78' Instructions on...

If you would like to borrow a projector or laptop contact  Xantrion.  It will be helpful for them if you provide as much information as you can about when you will need the equipment and if you will need help setting it up.

If you would like to get a specific software added to your computer, open a ticket with Xantrion.

There are lots of great online resources, like, as well as classes you can consider taking to enhance your language skills. Look into taking some classes at College of Marin or ordering some DVD’s to help you learn another language. Also, our Library offers classes on Spanish speaking and public speaking. Check out the...

Promote your event or meeting to the public via social media, the City Manager newsletter 'Snapshot,' the City's website, and email notifications. Check out our public outreach and engagement page for more information, tips, and tricks!

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