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How Do I Audit My Mobile Accounts?

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Conduct and Overview of Voice and Mobile:

  • Compare lines with your office directory – Check to see if retired or departed staff members are on the list. If you are unsure if a line is in use, text or call lines in question.
  • Update directory of lines/devices to match phones with current users. You can edit the personal details and description of any line on your account.
  • Check special devices (machines that send regular texts)– Review Machine to Machine charges and see if they are on the correct plan. A call to Verizon to discuss these special plans may be necessary. For example, Public Works had a pump station send 8000 texts a month previously billed at 10 cents a text for $800. We put it on a $12 unlimited plan.
  • Look for accounts with no activity – Review messages or voice usage where there is no activity or data (no usage). Circle those lines and investigate whether they need to be cancelled or suspended. Suspending the phone account will allow you to retain the number for free for up to 6 months.
  • Look for higher than average usage – Look at total charges on each line. Do any charges seem high compared to the average line cost. If so, it is worth following up with the user to see how they are using their phone. Are they calling out of network often? Are they using their phone for personal use? Consider alternative plans where a user’s behavior warrants a change from the current plan.
  • Ensure all lines are on the right plan – Everyone should be on the base $24.99 unlimited data plan. The 2 GB plan only save a dollar or two but risks racking up a huge overage bill. All $24.99 plans come with 100 free text messages. $3 for 400 messages and $12 for unlimited. If anyone texts more than 400 times a month they should be on a unlimited plan.
  • Consider removing hotspot devices – Using a phone to hotspot cost 10 dollars compared to $35 for a standalone hot spot. Use mobile phone to hotspot in most cases to save money. If your department has a hotspot device consider training the user to implement this feature on their mobile phone instead of using a separate device.
  • Communicate and educate your colleagues – Share your successes and make your staff aware of best practices that will save the department money. Remind staff that in-network calls are free and calls outside of the network should be made on desk phones if possible.
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