- Double-check the customer’s preferences – Have you asked what type of phone operating system he or she prefers? Do they need accessories? Be sure to double-check prior to ordering.
- Go to https://sso.verizonenterprise.com/amserver/sso/login.go Select “My Business Account”
- Sign In with your user name and password. If you do not have an account contact the IT Help Desk. After logging in you will arrive at the “Manage Lines and Accounts” screen. All City of San Rafael mobile numbers are displayed here.
- Search for the phone number you are ordering for – In the search box, type in the phone number want to upgrade or edit
- You don’t need to order the latest device – Consider purchasing a year-old model rather than a brand-new model. Verizon offers perfectly good phones for free (S7 and iphone 6s) They change every 3 months so check to see if a phone you want is now free. Spending $200 for a iPhone 7 when a 6s is free needs to be clearly justified.
- Follow the screen prompts to select the phone you want to purchase.
- Most phones should have the Consumption Voice Plan – City accounts are eligible for an unlimited data plan with free in-network calling. Most staff members will save money with this plan unless they’re using more than 400 minutes outside the plan each month (talking with land lines, other networks, or long distance).
- Compare plans – Make sure you compare plans to see if they are the same, and keep the plan unless you do in fact want or need to change the plan
- Purchase accessories – Make sure you have the customer’s preferences prior to ordering
- Double-check mailing address – Do you want IT staff to activate the phone? If so send it to the IT Department at City Hall. Alternatively, the Account Administrator can be in charge of activating the phone.
- Continue following prompts to finish purchase – Make sure the names and phone numbers match. Click confirm on the remaining screen prompts.