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Author: admin

Farewell to P.O. Box 151560

After years of maintaining the City’s P.O. Box, located at the downtown post office, we’re officially retiring it! Some things to keep in mind: Notify vendors, contractors, residents, etc. of updated address by: Utilizing our email signatures: City Hall Staff: “The City of San Rafael’s mailing address is: [Insert staff name and/or department name] Room … Continued

August 2019 All Hands Recap

On August 27, the Department of Digital Service and Open Government held their monthly all-hands meeting.   Highlights The Digital Team got together to put our action items from our department offsite, into action! We kicked things off by brainstorming to create a Team Agreement – guidelines developed by the teams as to how they … Continued

Digital Offsite Recap: putting people first & getting things done

On Thursday, August 15, San Rafael’s first Digital Team gathered to spend the day together talking teams, people, getting things done, and data. Did I mention this is San Rafael’s first Digital Team? Together, we are shaping this new department and charting a new course for the City of San Rafael in terms of how … Continued

Digital Update: Learning Lab, improvements to wireless network, and more!

Learning Lab 3.0 Learning Lab 3.0 kicks off in September! This year, teams will be taking on existing projects and issues and the structure is changing a bit. Rather than follow a defined curriculum, instead we are creating more protected space and time for the teams to focus on implementation and execution of their ideas. From September to May, … Continued

July 2019 All Hands Recap

On July 29, the Department of Digital Service and Open Government held their monthly all-hands meeting. Highlights Two months ago our department Strategic Framework was released and promoted for feedback. After receiving feedback from staff, residents, and community members, we refined our Strategic Plan to present to City Council on August 5, 2019. Thank you … Continued

TWIST Update: Contract Management Project Launch

After several weeks of planning TWIST met with the City Attorney’s office to discuss the proposed project timeline, strategy, and scope. Lisa Goldfien provided feedback on our recommended deliverables, roles and responsibilities were defined, and the project has officially begun! To track the details within the project we’ve created a Contract Management trello board. Here … Continued

PG&E’s Community Wildfire Safety Program Open House

PG&E is hosting a series of regional open houses throughout our service area for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Community Wildfire Safety Program. The open house is on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 from 6 PM – 8 PM at the Embassy Suites San Rafael, Mill Valley and Sausalito Ballrooms, 101 McInnis … Continued


About Alert Marin If you live, work or go to school in Marin County and are 18 and over, you may now register your cell phone or VoIP (voice over internet protocol) phone to receive emergency alerts sent by call, text, email, or smartphone application from the County of Marin. Listed and unlisted/blocked Marin County … Continued

Digital update: Code for America, Agile Gov’t Leaders, GIS, and more!

Code for America Last week, San Rafael employees descended upon the Code for America Summit in force. We heard inspiring stories of how to shape government in the digital age. George Gascon’s chief of staff Cristine Soto DeBerry shared how her office was able to automatically clear old marijuana convictions, giving thousands of people a … Continued

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