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Digital update: draft strategy, O365 assessment, cybersecurity training and more

Posted on May 24, 2019

Our Draft Strategic Framework is Ready for Your Input

For the past several months our Department has been working on strategic planning and crafting a vision for the future of the Department of Digital Service and Open Government. We are excited to announce that our draft is now available for review and we specifically want you to help us ensure that the goals we are setting are meaningful and add value to City employees and the work of the City of San Rafael.

service offerings

The Department of Digital Service and Open Government Strategic Framework is available on our website and downloadable as a PDF.

Over the next month we will ask for feedback from City employees and the public, with the goal of presenting the framework to the City Council in mid-July.

Watch a video about our new Strategic Plan

Take our survey and let us know what you think (Español)

Digital Engages with KPCS for Microsoft 365 Strategy

Our team has recently started working with the firm KPCS, a Microsoft Partner with an office in San Rafael, to review the health and usage of the City’s Microsoft ecosystem. The purpose of our work with KPCS is to ensure employees know how and when to use Microsoft tools such as Email, Calendar, Word, Excel, Sharepoint, and more. Through this work, we will build a roadmap and strategy for training and future integration of Microsoft’s robust Office 365 software.

The health check and recommendations from KPCS will move us towards a more purposeful use of our investment in Microsoft 365 (Word, Outlook, Sharepoint, etc.). We are excited to partner with KPCS on this venture and look forward to showcasing how the Microsoft 365 tools will transform how we work together.

Cybersecurity Training

2018 was ‘a bad year’ for ransomware, but so far 2019 is no better. Baltimore is currently in their third week of trying to recover their systems from an attack that disabled their email, phone lines and online bill payments.

You are often our first line of defense against cybersecurity threats to the City. If you have not taken the mandatory cybersecurity training, please do so at your earliest convenience. To take the training, you can click this link and enter your email. You will then receive an email with a secure login link that will take you to the trainings.

We recently built and launched as part of the City’s collaborative effort with the County and Canal Alliance, to help ensure every Marin resident gets counted in the upcoming census. In addition to this website, we are also helping the Complete Count Committee with data requests and analysis for hard-to-count populations and neighborhoods.

Marin Census 2020 Website

Lunch & Learn  |  Tuesday, June 4th , 12 – 1 pm  Intro to the City Website

Space is still available! If you know someone who might be interested in learning more about the website, please let her or him know.

Join us for our first Lunch and Learn training session on June 4th from 12 – 1 pm in the 3rd floor large conference room at City Hall. This session, Intro to the City Website, will include an introduction to the ProudCity Content Management System (CMS) and help get you started publishing news articles, events, and editing pages. Please RSVP to

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