Welcome to our health topic for February — heart health. You can help avoid future heart problems by making healthy changes today. And the same habits that help keep your heart strong also reduce your risk for other conditions — another good reason to take these health tips to heart. Creating new fitness habits can … Continued
LET’S MEET UP! Your local representatives are here to help you stay on track and reach your retirement goals. CONTACT YOUR ICMA-RC REPRESENTATIVE… • To help you develop and stick to a retirement-saving strategy. • Review your plan’s investment options. • Point you to helpful resources that provide additional information including online tools available at www.icmarc.org/learn. … Continued
NOTICE TO CITY OF SAN RAFAEL EMPLOYEES: In February, Nationwide Retirement Specialist, Jim Laffoon, is available to meet via a phone appointment or a virtual (screen sharing) appointment. To schedule an appointment, click on Make an Appointment. You can Enroll in the plan, Review your account, Increase your contributions, Combine other retirement plans with your … Continued
Please join Kaiser for their February Wellness Webinars! These classes are for all employees regardless of their health plan and you must register as space is limited. February 2: Practical Skills Stress Management 11am link2.2Stress.UCSD February 3: Thriving After the Holidays 11am reglink2.3ThriveAM 1pm reglink2.3ThrivePM February 4: Combatting Stress 11am Register here! 1pm … Continued
Just in! Please join Kaiser for their Thrive Thursday Wellness Webinars presented by Napa Solano Health Education! Wellness Webinars are designed for all employees regardless of their health plan. To register- click on the links below: January: COVID Effects on Mental Health (Thurs. January 28th, 2021) 11:00AM-12:00PM 1:00PM-2:00PM Note: all participants must register and space … Continued
Welcome to our health topic for December- Diabetes Prevention. You can find more resources at our Choose Better site The December challenge is “Keep Warm”. The Keep Warm challenges invites you to donate a new or used coat to someone in need. The coat can be any style or size. You can give the coat to someone … Continued
Welcome to our health topic for November- Diabetes Prevention. You can find more resources at our Choose Better site November: The November challenge is “Hard Times”. The Hard Times challenges invites you to donate non-perishable food to a charity. You could complete this challenge by donating a can of soup, but why not make it more than … Continued
Welcome to our health topic for October — Women’s Health You can find more resources at our Choose Better site The October challenge is “Break Time”. The Break Time challenges invites you to consciously take a break at work each day during the month of October. We know that many of you have mandatory breaks, but many … Continued
Welcome to our health topic for September- Flu Prevention. You can find more resources at our Choose Better site September: The September challenge is “Soup Kitchen”. The Soup Kitchen challenges invites you to make one soup a week. Generally speaking homemade soup is healthy because it contains nutritious vegetables and beans, which are sometimes hard to work … Continued