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According to available data, 64% of San Rafael residents speak only English at home and 36% of residents speak a language other than English. Of the non-English-speaking group, roughly 25% speak Spanish at home. With a population of nearly 59,000 that equates to 14,750 people in San Rafael that the City is not actively engaging.

Content longer than a few sentences needs to be translated. Why? It builds trust with our residents!

  1. If you want your translations to look professional, choose a professional translator.
  2. Expressions and words often have more than one meaning,  if our customers notice that our content sounds awkward in their language, they will lose confidence in us.
  3. Professional agencies have workflow systems and protocols in place to ensure a consistent process for translating your content. These protocols make sure the style and tone of the communication are maintained over time and across languages.

The City of San Rafael is contracted with Alboum Translation Services. Our account representative, Dan Guevara, is available to assist with our translation needs!

How I request translation support from Alboum?

  1. Send Alboum an email with the content you want translated and a deadline for when you need the translated material back.
  2. Alboum will promptly respond with a quote.
  3. Review the quote. Once you approve the quote, the Alboum team will get to work!

What can we translate in-house?

If you have a flyer, a graphic, or content that is a few sentences or less, there are city staff who are here to help! Contact:

If none of these team members are available, Elan Language has a free translation tool when you're in a pinch!

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