This website is for City employees.

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Engagement Strategies

  • Make sure your communications are clear and concise. Avoid jargon, "government-speak" and acronyms.
  • Be compelling! Tell people why they should care.
  • Create a project webpage and keep it current. Make sure the public can easily find the page on the website, add keywords to enhance search-ability and consider making a short url that's easy to promote.
  • Start a news feed/blog or newsletter with regular updates. Make it easy for people to subscribe to your content.
  • Share updates across other news feeds and newsletters, such as Snapshot.
  • Translate key documents or notifications into Spanish whenever possible.
  • Send press releases and project updates not just to the media, but also to local bloggers, neighborhood and business associations, and non-traditional media sites as well.
  • Share information on social media (Nextdoor, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.)
  • Consider pop-up workshops, open office hours, or other less formal settings for dialogue.
  • Hold meetings near project sites or within impacted neighborhoods and after normal work hours so people can more easily attend. If possible, provide snacks and childcare.
  • Use online surveys to get a quick pulse, or more in-depth input as needed.
  • Create short videos to explain processes or provide project updates.

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