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Category: City News

September Health Topic- Flu Prevention

Welcome to our health topic for September — flu prevention. This month’s tips are designed to help protect you during flu season. With healthy habits and a flu shot, everyone can do their part to avoid getting the flu — and spreading it to coworkers. The September challenge is “Express Thanks”.  The Express Thanks challenges invites … Continued

PG&E’s Community Wildfire Safety Program Open House

PG&E is hosting a series of regional open houses throughout our service area for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Community Wildfire Safety Program. The open house is on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 from 6 PM – 8 PM at the Embassy Suites San Rafael, Mill Valley and Sausalito Ballrooms, 101 McInnis … Continued


About Alert Marin If you live, work or go to school in Marin County and are 18 and over, you may now register your cell phone or VoIP (voice over internet protocol) phone to receive emergency alerts sent by call, text, email, or smartphone application from the County of Marin. Listed and unlisted/blocked Marin County … Continued

July Health Topic- Sun Safety

Welcome to our health topic for July  – Sun Safety. The July challenge is “Go Local”.  The Go Local challenges encourages you to visit a local farmers market this month!  If you are not aware of a local venue a quick internet search will help.  Make you trip to the farmers market a special outing by … Continued

June Health Topic- Men’s Health

Welcome to our health topic for June  – Men’s Health. Superheroes might seem indestructible, but even Captain America needs to exercise, Thor needs to watch what he eats, and Iron Man definitely needs to de-stress. Check out our tips for helping all the regular guys (and superheroes) in your life stay healthy. The June challenge … Continued

Municipal Clerks Week: Final Thoughts

We’re done with trivia, but as we close out this special week, I thought I’d share some tidbits I’ve come across while researching in our Harry Potter-like minute books from the vault… For instance, back in the day, the Board of Trustees for the Town of San Rafael needed to a place to hold their meetings … Continued

New EV Chargers at City Hall the week of May 13

Employees can charge for half of the regular price! Costs: $1 per hour for public; $.50 per hour for employees The 2-hour limit in the City Hall parking lot applies to EV charger parking spaces just like the other spaces in this lot – but that’s enough for 40-50 miles! And you can feel good … Continued

Municipal Clerks Week: The Legislative Historian

One of the City Clerk’s many roles is to keep a record of the legislative history of the City, and my goodness has that process changed over the years. From beautifully handwritten minutes, to verbatim minutes typed on a typewriter (if you don’t know what this is, swing by the City Clerk’s office for the … Continued

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