FAQ Topic: COVID-19 SPSL 2022 FAQ's
If an employee was unable to work or telework due to any of the qualifying reasons noted above and used another paid leave (or went unpaid), the employee may request that SPSL be applied retroactively by completing the 2022 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) Request form.
Compensation is based on the employee’s regular rate of pay, excluding overtime, capped at $511 per day ($5,110 in total). If an employee’s regular compensation exceeds $511 per day, the employee may elect to supplement the SPSL maximum pay amount with other accrued paid leaves to make up the difference in pay.
Employees receiving SPSL after a positive COVID test are required to test on day five, following the initial positive test. If you test negative for COVID-19 on or after day five and do not present COVID-19 symptoms, you may end your isolation period and return to work. HR will provide a rapid test upon request … Continued
In addition to the leave amounts described above, SB 114 also grants employees a separate “leave bank” of SPSL if the covered employee tests positive for COVID-19, or is caring for a family member (child, a parent, spouse, registered domestic partner, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling) who tested positive for COVID-19. In the case of a … Continued
Full-Time Employees – are eligible for up to 40 hours (up to 5 days) per week based on the regular work schedule. Regular Part-Time Employees – if the employee has a regular weekly schedule, then the employee is eligible for an amount of SPSL equivalent to up to one regular workweek. Temp/Seasonal Employees – are … Continued
The law requires that covered employers provide SPSL to any employee who cannot work or telework due to symptom/quarantine/vaccine related to COVID-19 as noted below: 1. The employee is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19. 2. The employee been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine … Continued