Sadly this is the closing of everyone’s favorite week of the year. COVID-19 didn’t stop us from celebrating with all of you, it just looked a little different and we promise to bring extra snacks next year since we couldn’t feed you this time. Thank you for letting us take over your inboxes for a few days to celebrate this wonderful week, and we loved your trivia responses! They brought smiles and laughter to everyone in the City. Final trivia winners and RAFFLE WINNERS below:
Yesterday’s Question:
Before writing came into use, the early keepers of the archives used what as the public record AND what is the best week of the year?
Correct Answer:
Before writing came into use, the early keeper of the archives used their memory as the public record and the best week of the year is Municipal Clerks Week – – – however, part b of this trivia brought out some serious competition: Shark Week, Public Service Week, Park & Recreation Month, National Police Week, Payroll Appreciation Week, national holiday, birthdays and Thanksgiving were also in the running…but the most common answer was Municipal Clerks Week! Facts are facts, ya’ll.
Creativity Award Winner: Jim Schutz
“Before writing came into use, the early keepers of the archives used Eclectus Parrots as the public record. Each ancient clerk, or Towne Clarke, would rise before dawn every morning and spend 2-3 hours whispering the public record into the ear of their Eclectus Parrot. The parrots would then spend the day flying over the countryside repeating the news. Due to the vast amount of information to be shared, the clerks gave worms to the parrots who showed up first every day – which led to the phrase: the early Eclectus Parrot gets the worm (later shortened for convenience).”
Congrats to Darin White & Jamie Poirier for their correct answers!
Do you all know Darin and Jamie?
Darin White is our new Fire Chief and he is pretty incredible. Growing up he dreamed of becoming a professional football player and spent his free-time roaming vacant lots, and other interesting looking locations, playing “archeologist” looking for some lost valuable or exciting finds. Also, he isn’t a fan of sharks, so leave megalodon out of your small chat during shark week next year. His prior City Administrator said he served Oakland with honor, distinction and a whole lot of heart during his tenure in Oakland – and in the brief conversations we’ve had, we can tell you that is true!
Jamie Poirier (Pour-Yay!) is our Supervising Librarian and while she enjoys going into work, she has been happy to work alongside her two new colleagues – her miniature poodles, one of whom stands guard at all times while she is working. She is happy summer is coming soon because she is allergic to the cold – she can eat cold things but she will get a rash if her skin is exposed to the cold. Colleagues say she has been instrumental in helping to create the Library & Arts division within the larger Library & Recreation Department. She provides clear leadership in increasing efficiency, managing priorities and providing excellent customer service – allowing us to better serve the community. Jamie is an excellent leader, a team player and an outstanding City employee.
Who won our raffles?!
Monday Trivia Prize: Susan Andrade-Wax
Tuesday Trivia Prize: Joan Beck
Wednesday Trivia Prize: Marita Garcia
4th Prize: Ethan Guy
What are they winning? A gift certificate to a San Rafael business of their choice!