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Using Trakit

What should be inputted into Trakit?

  1. All encroachment permits
  2. All major City projects in the Right-of-Way (that would ordinarily require an encroachment permit)

Why require an encroachment permit for City projects? This is so that this construction work shows up in our system . When the front office gets calls about projects, they check Buildingeye (see below). If it's a City project, and it's not entered in Buildingeye, it will be very difficult to track down who in DPW's project it is or if it's a private contractor working without a permit. Therefore, City projects should be entered into Buildingeye once construction starts. Of course there is no fee for an encroachment permit entered for a City project.

Visit public website for more info on Encroachment Permits

Buildingeye Map

Did you know that all the permits entered into Trakit are refreshed nightly on our Buildingeye map?

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