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1457 Results Found

What FAQs are on the Website​ Frequently asked questions that could be looked up organically on the search bar on the website. ​ Accordion or List style FAQS on project pages​ Purpose ​ Service center on the Home Page​ Traditional FAQs using the answers list widget on pages.​ Condensed lists on pages Here is a quick video on how to create an FAQ...

Here a quick video on how to upload a document: Uploading Documents

Horizontal lines can be used throughout a website to create separation of topics or ideas. Here is a quick video explaining when they are used and where to find the function in Page Builder. Horizontal Lines

Here is a quick video on how to embed media (Videos, Images, Documents) in Page Builder. Embedding Media

Here is a quick video on how to post events to the website. Posting Events

Here is a quick video on how to uploading and posting images to the website. Uploading Images

Here is a quick introduction on Page Types. Page Types

Make sure to answer the 6 questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Make sure to include: Title, Summary (Intro) Body, Conclusion, Resources Resources How to Write a Great News Post Recording

Here is a quick introduction on how to use Page Builder. Using Page Builder

Here is a quick introduction on to the ProudCity Dashboard Dashboard Introduction

Here is a quick introduction on to the using ProudCity Introduction to ProudCity

Resources: Accessibility Information (ADA)  Accessibility Text to copy onto your web page: English: To translate this page, click on the globe icon and select your language Spanish: Para traducir esta página, haga clic en el icono del globo terráqueo y seleccione su idioma Here is a quick introduction video on Accessibility and Language Translation. Introduction...

Process Find an editor to review content before it goes on the web Consider language, tone, and audience Publish on the website first before promoting on social media Don't freak out! we have version control! Here is a quick video on Digital's suggested Editorial Process for uploading content onto the website. Editorial Process

Here is a quick video on best practices when uploading content to the website. Best Practices

Things to keep in mind: User Needs Embrace Accessibility Use Plain Language Consider style, tone, and voice Related Links Website standards | U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) ( Content style - ProudCity Help Center Writing Style Guidelines - San Rafael Employees ( Here is a quick video on Standards and Best Practices. Standards and Best...

Digital Services User Management​ Content strategy ​​ Integrating new website tools​​ Coordinating Citywide website improvements​​ Best practices, design standards, and governance​​ Runs training programs Digital Request Form Submissions - Form by Asana Here is a quick video on Digital's Role. Digital's Role

Dept Website Lead​ Primary lead in Department​ Represents Department in website projects, audit, governance​​ Manages department pages and contributes content   Website Contributor:​​ Contributes to Department website content​​ Updates pages, articles, events, etc​.​ Assists in website projects   Here is a quick video on how the website is managed. Website Management Roles

Here is a quick introduction video on what to know about being a website editor Introduction

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Data Trainings The Digital Services Data and Insights Team will be hosting various trainings related to data skills and tools in 2023. The training materials and/or recordings will be posted on this website.

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