What is Local Government?
How Local Government works in Marin County
What is a local jurisdiction? E.g. Why is San Rafael shaped like that?
What does incorporated mean?
- A geographic area has voted to establish their own local government to provide public services. Incorporated local governments are governed by a locally elected City Council
- There are 11 incorporated Cities and Towns in Marin County
- All residents residing outside of the geographic boundaries of these 11 incorporated Cities/Towns are in unincorporated Marin and governed by the County Board of Supervisors
City of San Rafael - Incorporated |
County of Marin - Unincorporated |
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Incorporated (11) |
Unincorporated (County of Marin): |
Aside from making laws, jurisdictions provide public services within their geographic borders
- Law enforcement
- Fire
- Parks
- Public Works
- Library
- Public records
- ...and more!
Jurisdiction |
Street Address City |
Law Enforcement |
Roads Maintained By |
Fire/Paramedic Services |
Building/Planning Permits issued by |
Inside the red line | City of San Rafael | San Rafael | San Rafael Police | San Rafael Public Works | San Rafael Fire Department | San Rafael Community Development Department |
Outside the red line | County of Marin | San Rafael | Marin County Sheriff | County Public Works | Marin County Fire Department | County Community Development Agency |
Each jurisdiction makes its own governing rules and laws
Also known as “Municipal Code” or “Code of Ordinances”
- Local jurisdictions can make laws re: City building & planning, health and sanitation, speed limits, protection of open space, etc.
- State and Federal law still determine criminal, civil, welfare law, etc.
Federal |
State |
Local |
Example: Minimum wage
- Federal: Sets national minimum wage.
- State: Sets statewide minimum wage. May be above federal.
- Local: Sets local minimum wage for jurisdiction only.
Example: Food stamps
- Federal: US Department of Agriculture provides federal funding for program
- State: State administers CalFresh - SNAP program, determines eligibility, and issues EBT cards
- Local: Administers enrollment, including collecting in-person applications and conducting interviews
Example: Medicaid & Medicare
(medical coverage for low-income individuals, 65 yrs or older, disability, etc.)
- Federal: Federal government (Congress & President) sets policies for medical coverage (e.g. Affordable Care Act)
- State: State administers Medi-Cal program, determines eligibility, and issues benefits
- Local: County eligibility workers (funded through state & federal government) administer Medi-Cal enrollment
Jurisdictional Responsibility
Why does the pavement on Sir Francis Drake Blvd change from nice, to not nice, to nice, and to not nice again as I drive from Larkspur → Greenbrae/Kentfield → Ross → San Anselmo → Fairfax?
The responsibility for maintenance/paving of Sir Francis Drake Blvd changes for each jurisdiction you drive through.
The paving of Sir Francis Drake Blvd is the responsibility of the Town of Larkspur, then the County of Marin (Greenbrae/Kentfield are unincorporated), then the Town of Ross, then the Town of San Anselmo, then the Town of Fairfax.
Why doesn’t the condition of the highway pavement change?
Caltrans (a State agency) maintains all freeways and highways in California
Caltrans = California Department of Transportation
Comparing jurisdictions in Marin
*San Rafael has the County’s only elected Mayor (elected At Large). All other City/Town Mayors and Board of Supervisors President is chosen by Council/BOS body. Check out the census data to compare jurisdictions by clicking the links below.
City of San Rafael (Incorporated)
The role of the City Council is to serve as the governing body of the City representing the community they were elected to serve. The Council exercises the legislative powers of city government, including adopting the annual City budget, approving ordinances and resolutions; setting appropriate tax levies; setting other general tax and service rates. Other responsibilities for City Council Members include giving advice and direction to staff, responding to constituent needs and complaints, communicating policies and programs to residents, making appointments to City boards and commissions, and serving on regional task forces.
City Council - San Rafael (cityofsanrafael.org)
The budget is a tool the City uses to establish its priorities for the fiscal year to come. Key community goals are identified through the spending plan in the City Budget. The City Council and City staff respond to the community's needs in part through the budget which is intended to balance not only revenues and costs but also community priorities.
City Budget - San Rafael (cityofsanrafael.org)
Cities provide municipal services to incorporated areas only
Building our economy to be stronger and more resilient.
- 58 Counties in California
- All governed by a 5-member* Board of Supervisors (elected by all County residents)
- Size of Board of Supervisors can range
- County of Marin: 5
- County of Los Angeles: 5
- City/County of San Francisco*: 11
*San Francisco is uniquely both a County and a City and has 11 Supervisors. It is the only County like that in California
Three County Supervisorial Districts overlap with City of San Rafael Jurisdiction
Central and Northern San Rafael, Pt. San Pedro Peninsula = District 1
Canal = District 4
Gerstle Park, Bret Harte = District 2
About the Board of Supervisors | Marin County
County and city governments are funded by a combination of:
- Local property taxes
- Sales taxes
- Use charges (for utilities)
- State and federal resources
The County budget is an annual spending plan for the County’s 22 departments. The County Administrator’s Office prepares and manages it.
The budget reflects the spending and expected revenues for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.
The annual County budget includes mandatory and discretionary services across all County Departments. They reflect the Board of Supervisors' highest priorities.
How the County budget is created | Marin County
Counties provide municipal services to unincorporated areas only and countywide services to the entire County, find more information on services here: How your County government works | Marin County
“Municipal” services |
“Countywide” services |
Federal |
State |
County |
City |
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National Parks Service (NPS) | CA State Parks | County of Marin Parks & Open Space | City of San Rafael Parks & Open Space |
Public Entity |
What they do |
Overseen by |
Funded by |
Marin County Superior Court | Civil, criminal, family, juvenile, probate, small claims, traffic courts | Presiding Judge (12 elected Judges total) - elected | State |
Marin County Office of Education | Oversees Marin Counties 18 school districts | Marin County Board of Education (7) - elected | Property taxes |
College of Marin | Community College | Board of Trustees (7) - elected | Local property taxes, State |
Housing Authority | Provides housing for low & moderate income people (housing vouchers and construction of new housing) | Housing Authority Commission (7) - appointed by County Board of Supervisors | HUD (Federal Dept of Housing and Urban Development) |
Sewer Districts | Sewer services and treatment plants | Various boards - appointed or elected | Rates charged |
California Highway Patrol (CHP) | Traffic law enforcement on highways | State | State |
US National Park Service | Headlands, Muir Woods, Point Reyes | US Department of the Interior (led by Director nominated by President) | Federal |
CA State Parks | Mt. Tamalpais, China Camp, Angel Island, Samuel P. Taylor | CA Department of Parks & Recreation | State |
Public Entity |
What they do |
Overseen by |
Funded by |
Metropolitical Transportation Agency (MTC) | Responsible for planning, financing and coordinating transportation for 9-county SF Bay Area (streets, roads, highways, transit systems, airports) | Commissioners (21) - appointed elected officials | Grants and misc. local sources |
Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) | Coordinates funding for many transportation projects and serves as Congestion Management Agency | Board of Commissioners (16) - appointed by each City/Town councils and Board of Sups | Local transportation sales tax |
Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) | Passenger rail service from Sonoma to Marin County | Board of Directors (12) - appointed elected officials in Marin & Sonoma and representatives from Golden Gate bridge district | Measure Q sales tax (passed in 2008) and ridership fares |
Marin Transit | Local transit service within Marin County | Board of Directors (7) - appointed elected officials | Sales tax, State transportation $, fares |
Golden Gate Transit | Bus and ferry transportation between Marin, SF, Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino, and Del Norte counties | Board of Directors (19) - appointed elected officials in 6 counties served | Bus & ferry fares, GG bridge toll |
CalTrans (District 4) | Construction & maintenance of highways | State | State |
Marin’s State Legislature Representation
State Senate
Elected by State Senate geographic district (2nd district)
State Assembly
Elected by State Assembly geographic district (12th district)
California State Senate Districts Map 2020 | California State Geoportal
Learn more about State Government here: Government | www.ca.gov
Find the current state representatives by clicking the button below.