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Archives: FAQs

Accountability to the public

All City procurement documentation (receipts, invoices, credit card statements) is public record and subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. With every purchase, consider: Is there a good explanation as to why the expenditure is appropriate? Has it been documented? Could the amount spent be comfortably defended under public scrutiny? Would you be free … Continued

List of City Facilities

San Rafael City Hall 1400 5th Avenue City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, Community Development, Digital Service & Open Government, Economic Development, Finance, Human Resources, Homelessness, Parking Services Public Safety Center 1375 5th Avenue Fire Department, Police Department Public Works 111 Morphew Street Public Works, San Rafael Sanitation District Fire Station 51 1375 5th Avenue … Continued

How do I get a webcam?

Departments are responsible for purchasing their own webcams, so you will need to talk to your supervisor or whoever is in charge of your department’s purchasing. Here are the specifications we recommend: Be compatible with Windows 10 Connection type should be USB Have a built-in mic The maximum resolution should be between: 720p/30fps – 1080p/30fps … Continued

Work from Home Security Tips

Now is a good time to think about the passwords you use. If you’re using simple passwords like “lovely” or “password1” it’s a good time to upgrade them to more secure passwords. Length is more important than complexity, though both have a role. Your password should be at least 14 characters long, and not an … Continued

How do I secure my workspace at home?

Pick a space that’s private. Select a place where people can’t “shoulder surf”; look over your shoulder at what’s on your screen. If you can’t find a private place to work, consider getting a privacy filter. This is a shield, of sorts, that attaches to your screen and makes it difficult to read what’s on … Continued

How do I secure my equipment at home?

If you are using personal devices to work from home, we don’t have the same capabilities to make sure you are secure. Follow these basic steps to help ensure you are working from secure equipment. Change your router’s default password. This will ensure that the configurations you make like enabling Wi-Fi encryption and setting a … Continued

20. How much Emergency Paid Sick Leave are Temp/Seasonal employees eligible to request?

Most work for Temp/Seasonal employees has been suspended as of March 17.  Employees are eligible to use their earned sick leave accruals up to the maximum of 24 hours over a 12-month period per the City’s Paid Sick Time Policy for Temporary Employees. Employees may also apply for Unemployment online through EDD.  A reduction in hours is not a qualifying reason under the Emergency Paid Sick leave provision of … Continued

19. When am I eligible for paid sick leave based on a “substantially similar condition” specified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has not yet identified any “substantially similar condition” that would allow an employee to take paid sick leave. If HHS does identify any such condition, the Department of Labor will issue guidance explaining when you may take paid sick leave on the basis of a “substantially … Continued

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