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Archives: FAQs

Employee Evaluations

Regular evaluations help employees develop their skills and advance in their careers. Right now, employees typically are evaluated by their supervisor each year. This practice is not always consistently applied or meaningful. How might we ensure that all employees get meaningful evaluations that incorporate the Together San Rafael guiding principles? Team: Margaret Stawowy, Library Ali … Continued

Homeless encampment fire and health threats

Team Challenge: Mitigate the risk of wildfires due to homeless encampments. Homeless encampments impact the quality of life for the entire community. How do we ensure safety from wildfires due to homeless encampments? Team: Faby Guille-Urfer, Public Works Laraine Gittens, City Attorney’s Office Lynn Murphy, Police Department Christine Foster, Public Works Carl Huber, Police Department

Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse

California law requires certain people, known as “Mandated Reporters,” to report known or suspected child abuse or neglect.  If you have been identified as a certain type of Mandated Reporter: a peace officer and/or employee of the police department under Penal Code § 11165.7(a)(19 )& (34) or a firefighter, EMT, or paramedic under Penal Code … Continued

Victims of Domestic Violence Leave Notice

Under California law, all employers must provide victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking with the right to take time off from work to appear in legal proceedings, such as obtaining a restraining order or other court order. If you have any concerns, please contact your supervisor or HR. Victims of Domestic Violence Leave … Continued

What are my main responsibilities relating to disasters and emergencies?

Make and practice a personal/family emergency plan (link). Be prepared at work and home. Know your role in the city’s emergency response plan as a DSW, EOC staff or front line response. Know local emergency procedures. Assure you are informed by signing up for AlertMarin, Nixle and following official city social media sites.

What can I do to make my neighborhood safer?

Organize, communicate and plan! Consider organizing a GET Ready training for your HOA or neighborhood group. Consider joining the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Know who around you may need extra assistance during an emergency and who may have a safe place to be. Talk with your neighbors about your concerns. Develop a meeting place … Continued

What are my main responsibilities relating to disasters and emergencies?

Make and practice a personal/family emergency plan (link). Have a Go-Bag (link) at work and at home. Assure you have an Emergency Kit at home ( Know your role in the City’s emergency response plan whether you will serve as a DSW, EOC staff or field responder. Know local emergency procedures. Be signed up to … Continued

What is an Emergency Operations Center (EOC)?

An Emergency Operations Center in a centralized location where representatives from various departments and agencies work together to support disaster response and recovery. An EOC helps first responders save lives and protect property while working to stabilize the incident, preserve the environment and begin the recovery process.

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