This website is for City employees.

Novel Coronavirus Update

Posted on March 5, 2020

coronovirus Screenshot

The City of San Rafael is coordinating daily with the County Public Health Department and Office of Emergency Services in order to be fully prepared and up to speed on the latest information regarding the Coronavirus. We recognize that many staff members have concerns about this situation and we will keep everyone informed as new information becomes available. If you are sick, please stay home. We are working on insuring there are adequate supplies of disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer at all City locations. If you have specific individual or unique concerns, please contact your department director and/or Human Resources.

City of San Rafael Employee Corona Virus FAQ –  March 5, 2020  

Where can I find more information on COVID-19 for myself or to share with the inquiring public? 

The Marin HHS COVID-19 webpage should be your first stop for information. The City is working closely with the County Health Department and is grateful for their expertise and proactive planning.  For travel guidance or additional information the please refer to the CDC website. Another great resource is the Marin County Office of Education’s webpage.

The City has created a button on the main City webpage to help connect residents with current information. At this time, the City plans to continue normal operations. However, residents that are feeling ill should not attend community events and seek guidance from their medical provider.  

What can I do to protect myself from COVID-19?

Per the Marin County Health Department, the best way to reduce your risk of becoming infected with a respiratory virus, whether the flu or COVID-19, is to practice good hygiene: 

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; 
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available; 
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or crook of your elbow (not your hands); 
  • Avoid touching your face; 
  • Stay home from work or school if you have a fever or are feeling sick; 
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick;
  • Get your flu shot to protect against flu; and
  • When greeting someone, wave or “fist or elbow bump” rather than shaking hands (signage is being made for public counters to remind people of good hygiene).

In addition to practicing routine good hygiene practices, staff are encouraged to wipe down contact surfaces, including your work station and public facing counters regularly with disinfectant wipes or similar products.  

What else can I do as a City employee?

A person’s risk for COVID-19 depends on travel history and exposure, not on race, ethnicity or culture. As a reminder, treat colleagues and members of the public with courtesy and respect.  

As a reminder, all City staff are designated by State law as Disaster Service Workers (DSWs). This means that when a local emergency is declared, employees may be deployed to different work sites than usual, or be asked to perform work duties or tasks that are different from their regular work responsibilities.  No one will be assigned duties they are not qualified or trained to perform.  If you have questions about your role as a DSW, please speak with your supervisor or Human Resources. 

What if I just returned from international travel, or have an international trip planned? 

If you have recently returned from a country with ongoing COVID-19 infections, monitor your health and contact your health care provider if you develop respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath. In you are planning a trip, consider CDC Travel guidelines before traveling abroad. Depending on your travel destination, and COVID-19 spread, CDC guidelines may require you to self-quarantine for 14 days after returning home.  

I am scheduled to, or considering upcoming travel for work, what should I do? 

Talk with your supervisor and refer to CDC travel guidelines to determine the best course of action. When booking future work travel, staff should avoid areas with local outbreaks of COVID-19. When booking all foreseeable professional travel, staff should consider travel insurance, delayed bookings, refundable flights, or other methods to limit financial loss should the trip or reason for travel be cancelled or delayed.  Professional travel more than two months in advance is discouraged at this time.  

What should I do if I feel sick or think I may have been exposed to COVID-19? 

If you feel sick, please stay home and call your primary care physician or the nurse advice line. They will advise you on steps to take, including how and where to seek care or testing should it be needed. It is not suggested that you go directly to a medical provider without first calling in order limit potential community spread. If you think you may have been exposed, but are not displaying symptoms, please contact your health care provider and supervisor.  

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