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Message from Jim Schutz- Public Service Recognition Week

Posted on May 1, 2019

psrMay 5-11


Dear Employees-

I can’t say we planned it this way, but I can say it “feels right” that National Public Service Recognition Week comes on the heels of our very well attended Employee Recognition Luncheon last week. I don’t know about you, but I am still feeling the positivity of that luncheon which was created by those that received recognition for their approach to local government, for innovation, for social responsibility, for their years of dedication to our community, and for employees being there on a beautiful day to recognize the importance that we all make to each other – day in and day out.

National Public Service Recognition Week started in 1985 and the President and Congress created this week to honor the women and men who serve the nation as federal, state, county and local government employees. I am delighted that Public Service Recognition Week is directed solely at public servants.  If we think back to what drew us to public service in the first place, it had to be based in the desire to help people and work with the community to make it a better place to live. We all do that every day. Happy Public Service Recognition Week! Your work is important to this community and I am incredibly proud of the quality of services we provide every day throughout the year.

With sincere appreciation,



PS – If you have a moment, we are in the process of updating the Together San Rafael employee webpages with those who were recognized last week for the three awards. We regularly make updates and you will find more related reading materials and videos at those pages as well.

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