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February 2019 All Hands Recap

Posted on February 22, 2019


On February 21, the Department of Digital Service and Open Government held their monthly all-hands meeting.


  • On Tuesday, the vendor picked up our leased printer so we no longer have an in-house print shop function. We are now outsourcing all major print jobs to the County of Marin. During the transition, we will support departments navigate the new process. We madeĀ a guide on the employee website to help.
  • Next week, the mail is moving to the hallway.
  • The new network team workspace is coming along. The workshop has been cleared out and we hope to be able to start prepping the new space starting the second week of March.
  • Infrastructure metrics are looking healthy, especially since the body camera video files are moving to the cloud.
  • The tech support ticket backlog is slowly decreasing, and is about 60 right now. Last month, Community Development had the most tickets, surpassing the Police Department which typically is in the #1 spot. Most tickets were related to hardware issues.
  • Good progress on the Essential Facilities projects. Station 52 is getting close to completion. If you need to make a site visit, please notify Faby. Grand opening planned for May 13.
  • Office upgrade project is on track, estimated for completion at the end of March.
  • Sean led the group through a brainstorming session about automation opportunities. The group identified the following:
    • Software deployment
    • Remote support
    • Inventory management
    • PC orientations
    • Onboarding
  • Over the next few weeks, we are asking the teams to provide feedback on the strategic planning work that has been done to-date before going out to departments and the community for additional feedback.

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