Digital Helps Library Design New Wayfinding Map
Over the past few months, Sean Mooney has worked with Miriam Wallen in Library and Recreation to develop a wayfinding sign for the downtown San Rafael Library. The new map allows for Library staff to make changes when materials move locations in the Library and integrates with the Library’s new digital signage.
How to Make a Great Flyer
On Tuesday, Sean and Christine provided a training on how to make a good flyer. Sean gave an overview on good design principles and Christine shared tips on how to easily design a catchy flyer using a free, easy to use graphic design tool called Canva. Following the training, Lindsay was inspired to revamp her boards & commissions vacancy announcements. Check out the improved design – nice work Lindsay!
If you missed the session, don’t worry! The recording is available online.
Our next Afternoon Snack & Learn is on Tuesday, March 3 from 3-4 p.m. in the large upstairs conference room. The training will cover how to use CPConnect to track, assign, respond, and manage requests and questions from the public or internal requests from other departments.
Promoting the New Climate Change Action Plan Website
At our most recent Community Engagement Team meeting Cory Bytof presented the Climate Change Action Plan website (co-developed with Digital) and discussed the engagement strategy to use stories from local Climate Action Heroes to socialize behaviors that contribute to drawing down carbon emissions. The team used the opportunity to discuss other ways we can coordinate engagement citywide to meet the Climate Change Action Plan’s goals. We discovered some opportunities for cross-promotion with Library programming and opportunities to co-brand these efforts with County partners.
New Public Notice Boards
We are so excited to see the new public notice boards being used to notify the
public of proposed development and upcoming public meetings. Digital partnered with Community Development and Public Works to create a more eye-catching sign.
Resigning our Employee Web Pages
Last week, the Digital team worked together to make improvements to our webpages on the employee site. We started with a group brainstorm about our audience, asking ourselves why an employee might visit our pages on the employee website and what they are trying to accomplish.
Next, we individually developed user stories around the following needs:
- An employee who wants to learn something
- An employee who wants help with technology
- An employee who wants help with community engagement
We then prioritized some potential improvements to the webpages including rethinking the landing page, renaming the menu labels, making our content more concise, and creating a new way for people to get help from our department.
Our new landing page looks like this.
Next, we plan to conduct some user testing with employees to see if these changes help people find what they need easily. Our goal is to make it easy for City employees to get tech support, find useful information, work with us on a project, and find learning opportunities.
Congrats to Sean and the Parking Structure Makeover Team!
Digital’s Civic Design Manager, Sean Mooney was recently recognized as a member of the Team of the Quarter! Sean worked with Parking Services, Public Works, and Community Development on a project to give a cost-effective face-lift to the parking structure on the corner of C Street and Fifth Avenue. What started as a simple signage project, turned into a community partnership with local businesses and the art community to use paint, landscaping, and a large signage structure to celebrate the Downtown Arts District.