Spanish-Language Engagement Learning Lab Update
On Wednesday, March 4 the Learning Lab’s Spanish Language Engagement Team, Sin Barerras (No Barriers), spent the afternoon at the Marin Community Clinic Health Hub connecting with community members through candid conversation, listening, sharing experiences with local government, and of course free swag. The Health Hub is a weekly farmers market-style event with free food distribution, health screenings, and nutrition education coordinated by Marin Community Clinics. The team took the opportunity of this visit to ask Spanish-speaking community members about how they engage with City services and what solutions can be put in place to improve our outreach and engagement with people in the community. Over the past 3 months, members from the Sin Barreras Spanish Language Engagement Team have been attending events coordinated by community partners trusted in the Spanish-language community to improve the City’s outreach within the Canal and build trust between the City, Public Safety, and the community.
The Spanish-language learning team is made up of Raul Aguilar (Police), Christine Foster (Digital), Mireya Renteria (Library & Recreation), Angel Landaverde (Fire), and Sean Mooney (Digital).
Stay Healthy & Informed
We are actively coordinating with the County on community messaging regarding the Novel Coronavirus. Check out the COVID-19 FAQs for employees and learn about the ways you can protect yourself from getting sick.
Yesterday our team designed a flyer to educate and remind community members how they can help prevent the spread of germs and disease. This poster will be going up in our buildings and facilities helping to remind people to practice good hygiene.
Afternoon Snack & Learn: Using CP Connect
CP Connect is our customer relationship management (CRM) system we use to track and respond to inquiries from the public. On Tuesday we hosted our third Afternoon Snack & Learn to go over tracking, assigning, responding, and managing inquiries that come into CP Connect so they don’t fall through the cracks. 😊
We receive over 500 messages a month from constituents and nearly half of them require more than a quick and simple response. Responding in a timely manner, following through with regular updates when a constituent writes in with a concern, and having the ability to share inquiries cross-departmentally helps improve workflow and in turn builds trust with our residents.
If you do not have a CP Connect account and want one, talk to your supervisor about it and then let us know! If you were unable to attend the training in person or online, don’t worry, we recorded the session.
Active users can login using:
Link: connect.civcplus.org
Username: first name + first initial of last name (i.e. rebeccaw@cityofsanrafael.org)
If you are or have logged in to the Office365 Portal you will be automatically logged into CP Connect through the single-sign on feature.
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Save the Date: Demo Day
Mark your calendars! Demo Day is Thursday, June 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Rafael Theater. All employees are invited to come and learn about this year’s Learning Lab. The teams will share their process, ideas, and what they learned along the way. The four teams this year are tackling housing, Spanish-language engagement, paperless forms and electronic signatures, and the cross-departmental permit process.
You can Recycle that!
Did you know there’s a different recycling process for e-waste? E-waste (old keyboards, mice, cords/cables, monitors, computers, etc.) should never be combined with garbage or paper, plastic, or glass recycling. If you have e-waste around the office, here’s how to recycle it:
- For old printer/copier cartridges, cell phones, bulbs, batteries, cables, keyboard, and mice (not the animal!), please drop them off in the bins at the end of the 2nd floor hallway in City Hall.
- For old computers, monitors, laptops, and Shoretel phones, please notify Xantrion at support@xantrion.com so we can properly account for this in our inventory and recycle it.
For home, zerwastemarin.org lists several places in Marin, and in San Rafael, to recycle your e-waste. Many of the recycling options are free of charge or have a small fee depending on the company or type of e-waste you are recycling. Think you can donate your used electronics? Use this recycling guide and check out the “Household/Secondhand” section to find a local thrift store. If you donate items to a charitable organization, such as the Salvation Army or Goodwill, remember to keep a list – you’ll be able to write each item off when you file your taxes.