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Category: Implementation Updates

Team #2 Update

The latest update from the team working on the illegal dumping topic: The city approved moving forward with our proposed plan to address the problem of public dumping through education, prevention and reporting. Seneca Systems revamped Romulus, our web based reporting and tracking software, to better capture and route illegal dumping complaints.  ***REPORTING*** PD will … Continued

Connect to Collaborate Update

The Connect to Collaborate Learning Lab team kicked off with an inaugural meeting on May 1. Fifteen people attended and participated in four different activities, while also enjoying lunch. The first exercise was a “getting-to-know-you” process called “Step-In”, followed by a discussion. The attendees then moved to a shared “Yes, and..” demo called “Vacations”, which … Continued

Silo Busters Update

The Silo Busters team from the Learning Lab tackled the struggles of permitting throughout City offices and is working on implementing some of the short term and long term suggestions that came from the learning lab process.    Since Demo Day, the implementation team has focused on identifying the top activities / permit types departments get questions about and is then trying to … Continued

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