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Silo Busters Update

Posted on May 11, 2018

Demo Day Permit Routing Forms

The Silo Busters team from the Learning Lab tackled the struggles of permitting throughout City offices and is working on implementing some of the short term and long term suggestions that came from the learning lab process. 
Since Demo Day, the implementation team has focused on identifying the top activities / permit types departments get questions about and is then trying to create a more comprehensive, easy to use forms and handouts for the process. Trying to get away from a handout for each department/division, but a comprehensive, cross-departmental handout will give people a better idea of where to start, who to talk to and what steps may be necessary.
A small sub group has taken it to the next level and is working on actually creating a homeowners guide to residential construction brochure and will then also create some videos to casually walk people through the general steps of getting a permit.

Silo Busters is made up of staff from Community Development, Fire Prevention, Public Works and Community Services. Directors Paul Jensen and Bill Guerin lead this multi departmental group.

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