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Board and Commission Staff Liaisons

Each of our Boards, Committees and Commissions (BCCs) have a staff liaison who is tasked with preparing agendas and minutes for all meetings, organizing meetings, and ensuring that their BCC is in compliance with the Brown Act. The information below is provided as a guide for staff liaisons to better serve their BCC while remaining consistent with one another.

Agendas and Agenda Packets

While preparing for your BCC meeting, it is important to remember that the agenda will need to be posted at the location of the meeting, that is visible all day and night, 72-hours in advance of the meeting, as well as at City Hall. The City Clerk's office will publish your agenda to the website and send out meeting notifications to the subscription list for that board, and you will be responsible for posting the physical agenda at the location of the meeting. This is incredibly important because your meeting cannot be held if it wasn't properly posted in accordance with the Brown Act.

  1. Create your agenda using our agenda template.
    • Some of the headers on this template may not apply to your BCC. That's okay, take what you want and leave the rest! But please try to use the same format for your meeting. Consistency on our BCC's will help the public better understand our process.
    • Make sure you provide a link to the webinar for your meeting so community members can watch from home. This will also enable you to record the meeting so it can be posted to our City's YouTube Channel.
  2. Send PDFs of the agenda, previous meeting minutes, director's reports, or any other information that is sent to the BCC in preparation for the meeting to the City Clerk's Office care of Brenna Nurmi (cc Lindsay Lara). All information sent to the Committee should be included with the agenda to allow the public to receive the same information the BCC receives.
  3. Post the agenda at the meeting location within 72 hours of the meeting
  4. The City Clerk’s Office will publish the agenda packet online and send out an email notification to all agenda notification subscribers.
  5. Correspondence: If you receive correspondence related to an item on the BCC agenda, please forward it to the City Clerk’s office, your committee members (bcc’d), and print hard copies for the meeting.


Keeping an accurate record of your meeting is vital for the history of our governance and allows interested members of the public to stay informed on City business. Check out this template for minutes that can be used to keep accurate records of your meetings.

Minutes should not be published until the Committee has approved them at their regular meeting. Once the minutes have been approved, please send them to the City Clerk’s office so they can be published to the website.

Stipend Program

We offer stipends to volunteers who serve on San Rafael's boards, commissions and committees. As the staff liaison, you are responsible for making sure they receive their check for $50 per meeting. Here is a general guideline for how our volunteers can start receiving their payments:

  1. They submit a request for stipends online.
  2. The City Clerk's office requests they complete their AB1234 Local Ethics Training.
  3. The City Clerk's office requests they submit a W9 by email.
  4. Once both of these have been completed, the City Clerk's office will notify the staff liaison so they are made aware of who on their BCC should be receiving stipends.

A few things for the staff liaison to know:

  • Account Code: 001-13-11003-9270
  • Frequency: Ideally, we would strive to submit invoices for our members on an annual basis. But this depends on the individual staff liaison, the amount of members who have opted-in to the program, and workload. This is the first year we are opening this program, so we want to be realistic about the expectations of our staff liaisons, but it may be easier for staff liaisons to track their members who have opted into the program, and process invoices monthly instead of twice annually. The minimum requirement is to do it twice annually.

Vacancies and Interviews

If you receive notice that a member of your BCC is no longer able to serve, please contact the City Clerk’s Office immediately so we can prepare for recruitment. We accept applications all year long so we may already have a group of people interested in serving on that BCC.

Once the deadline for applications has been closed, the City Clerk’s office will select a date for candidates to be interviewed by the full City Council.

As the staff liaison, you are responsible for attending the interview and being prepared to answer any questions that may help the City Council make an informed decision. It is important that you know the makeup of your current membership: Expertise, geographical location of residency, etc.

Once the City Council has selected a candidate/candidates to appoint to the BCC, the City Clerk will contact them to let them know they have been selected to serve. Please be sure to reach out to your new members following their appointment and provide them with any documents that may bring them up-to-speed on the actions of your BCC. It may be helpful to provide previous minutes, annual reports, etc. Please go over the importance of the Brown Act and make sure they understand the importance of complying with those laws.

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