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FAQ Topic: Referring Calls

How do I handle calls related to cable franchise companies?

If someone wants to lodge a complaint against a cable franchise company (Comcast, AT&T, and Horizon), have them contact Marin Telecommunications Agency (MTA) using an online complaint form or they can call their main number (415) 446-4426.

Can DST members use a gift card to buy alcohol?

Yes. The same way someone can work a 9-5, panhandle, use their SSI, or General Assistance money to buy alcohol. However, DST has zero tolerance for alcohol use on the volunteer shift. If someone is using their basic needs stipends for alcohol, they’ll have to make the responsible decision to maintain sobriety by the time they have to set … Continued

How is DST funded in Marin County?

Downtown Streets Team is funded by tax dollars. Here is the breakdown: 35% Marin County 25% City of San Rafael 10% City of Novato 15% Donors 9% Earned Income 6% Grants

What is the DST success rate?

DST measures success differently. They understand that everyone has different paths to success, some may join the Team and quit the Team multiple times before being ready to get back into the workforce. DST doesn’t count their job number until someone has held employment past 90 days. So far, 74 individuals experiencing homelessness have gotten into employment that lasted longer … Continued

Where do DST donations go?

The capacity of the team is contingent on funding. Downtown Streets Team’s priority is to make sure the wait list time is reduced and preferably, nonexistent. DST’s contracted capacity is 25 but they usually have enough money raised to support 30 Team Members at one time. They use discretion to decide when someone’s in need of an emergency hotel … Continued

Who do Team Members make a complaint to?

If a team member feels an unfair decision has been made, the chain of command for grievance is: Project Manager Director Chief Program Officer Please redirect any Team Members to DST staff if they want to address something about DST.

Does Downtown Streets Team pay their employees $5/hr?

No – DST is a volunteer program that gives their volunteers (Team Members) basic needs stipends to help them get through their week. This pulls them out of survival mode so instead of spending time recycling or panhandling, they can work on their resume’s and cover letters.

How do I handle calls related to homelessness?

There are a few ways to handle calls related to homelessness depending on the type of call: Disorderly conduct: If you are witnessing disorderly conduct or are concerned about someone’s immediate well-being on the street, please call 911. Homeless encampments: You can transfer the to the Police Department non-emergency line at 415-485-3000. The report will … Continued

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