This website is for City employees.

FAQ Topic: Policies & Procedures

Modified/Light Duty Work Policy

The Modified/Light Duty Work Policy provides employees the opportunity to work modified duty assignments while on doctor-mandated restrictions, when possible.

Injury & Illness Prevention Plan Policy

The Injury and Illness Prevention Plan Policy sets forth the City’s commitment and plan to ensure all city employees work in a safe and healthy environment. Attachment: Acknowledgement of Receipt of IIPP

Hiring Practices Policy

The Hiring Practices Policy ensures that San Rafael conducts a comprehensive and effective hiring process that adheres to all legal requirements in an effort to recruit the most qualified candidates. Attachments: A) Hiring Practices Matrix B) Authorization for Release of Information – Reference Check C) Sample Conditional Job Offer C-2) Draft Conditional Job Offer D) … Continued

Harassment Policy

The Policy Against Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation ensures all officials, employees, applicants, and contractors are provided with an environment that is free from any form of harassment, discrimination or retaliation as defined in this Policy. It is also the policy of the City to provide a procedure for investigating alleged harassment, discrimination and retaliation in violation of this Policy. Attachments: … Continued

Green Purchasing Policy

The Green Purchasing Policy (Janitorial) provides guidelines to purchase janitorial chemicals, soaps and cleaning products that are Green Seal certified. The Green Purchasing Policy (Office Supplies) provides guidelines for staff to purchase products containing recycled content or re-manufactured products.


The Family Care and Medical Leave Policy provides family care and medical leave to eligible employees in accordance with applicable federal and state law, and City Memorandum of Understandings. Attachments: A-2 Employee Request for Family-Medical Leave (sign & return to HR) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Form (sign & return to HR) Appendix A – … Continued

Flag Protocol Policy

The Flag Protocol Policy establishes guidelines to ensure proper display and handling of flags by City Personnel.

Fingerprinting Policy

The Fingerprinting Policy ensure that we follow the state law requiring that every adult employee and volunteer that will have direct contact with minors be fingerprinted prior to beginning service.

Employee Political Activities Policy

The Employee Political Activities Policy provides employees with a clear understanding of what it and is not acceptable in terms of political activities and affiliations while employed by the City of San Rafael.  

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