Website Link Policy
The Website Link Policy ensures any links provided on the website are in accordance with the City’s mission and intent.
The Website Link Policy ensures any links provided on the website are in accordance with the City’s mission and intent.
The Vehicle Use Policy defines the rights and responsibilities of City employees using City or private vehicles while conducting City business. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Vehicle Use Policy
The Unclaimed Money Policy sets procedures for escheatment and accounting of unclaimed money in accordance with Government Code section 50050 – 50056. Attachments: Unclaimed Money Sample Newspaper Notice Unclaimed Money-Claim Form
The Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy establishes equitable standards and achieve reasonably consistent and fair treatment insofar as the reimbursement of expenses incurred in the service of the City of San Rafael. Attachments: Expense Reimbursement Voucher IRS Mileage Reimbursement Rates
The Temporary Disability Policy provides guidance on when and how temporary disability is administered in accordance with applicable Workers Compensation laws.
The Social Media Policy establishes guidelines for setting up and maintaining a City-business related social media site
The Smoking Policy prohibits tobacco smoking, or like materials, in all enclosed work areas, in all City buildings, structures and vehicles and protects the health and welfare of City employees.
The Response to Request for References Policy establishes guidelines for releasing personal and/or professional references to third parties. This policy helps to protect employees responding to the reference as well as the City from any potential liability. Attachment: A) Release of Liability B) Responses to Reference Check
The Position Reclassification Policy establishes procedures, requirements and timelines for requesting reclassification for any City of San Rafael classification. Attachments: A) Position Description Questionnaire B) Reclassification Approval-Denial Form Job Action Checklist and Routing Slip
The Outside Employment Policy ensures employees don’t engage in any employment, activity, or enterprise for compensation which is inconsistent, incompatible, in conflict with, or inimical to his/her duties as a City officer or employee. Outside Employment Policy- San Rafael Fire Department Request to Engage in Outside Employment Form- SRFD Request to Engage in Outside Employment Form … Continued