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FAQ Topic: Policies & Procedures

City Vehicle Location Monitoring

The City Vehicle Location Monitoring governs the City of San Rafael’s use of the electronic vehicle tracking system installed in all vehicles/equipment (vehicles) owned, leased, or rented by the City that are used by its employees during the course of City business. To acknowledge receipt of policy, CLICK HERE. 

Vehicle Use Policy

The Vehicle Use Policy defines the rights and responsibilities of City employees using City or private vehicles while conducting City business. To acknowledge receipt of policy, CLICK HERE.

Media Relations Policy

The Media Relations Policy 2025  is designed to ensure that information is disseminated in a coordinated manner that supports the City’s objectives, maintains public trust, and fosters a positive relationship with the media. Attachments: A) – Tips for Positive Media Relations Media Relations Policy acknowledgement

Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Policy

The City of San Rafael is committed to providing a workplace that is safe, secure and free from threats or acts of violence. This includes prohibiting any threatening or committing any act of violence while on duty, while on City-related business or while operating any vehicle or equipment owned or leased by the City. All … Continued

Paid Sick Time Policy (Temporary Employees)

The Paid Sick Time Policy establishes the policies and procedures regarding  paid sick time in accordance with the California Labor Code section 245. Attachment: AB 1522 Paid Sick Leave – Memo to temporary employees

Employee Commute Policy

The goal of this Employee Commute Policy is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from employee and volunteer commutes through a green commute incentive program.

Redaction Policy

The Redaction Policy establishes guidelines for publishing documents to the internet that include personally identifiable information.

Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse

California law requires certain people, known as “Mandated Reporters,” to report known or suspected child abuse or neglect.  If you have been identified as a certain type of Mandated Reporter: a peace officer and/or employee of the police department under Penal Code § 11165.7(a)(19 )& (34) or a firefighter, EMT, or paramedic under Penal Code … Continued

Victims of Domestic Violence Leave Notice

Under California law, all employers must provide victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking with the right to take time off from work to appear in legal proceedings, such as obtaining a restraining order or other court order. If you have any concerns, please contact your supervisor or HR. Victims of Domestic Violence Leave … Continued

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