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FAQ Topic: New Employees

Help! I need help understanding my benefits.

The first thing you should do is review your employment agreement. If you have read about your benefits for your specific labor group and you still have some questions, check out our benefits page. We know that benefits can be complex, so feel free to reach out to our Human Resources Department to ask any … Continued

Help! I’m out of gas! Where do I fill up?

If you are using a City vehicle, it is your responsibility to ensure that the fuel gauge does not fall below half a tank of gas at the end of each use. The Public Works Vehicle Maintenance Division assigns fueling cards to each vehicle which is kept in each vehicle at all times. All fueling … Continued

Where do I park?

First off, welcome! Your new director should be able to make sure you have a designated parking location depending on where you will be working. Work with your director to make sure that everything is moving smoothly with Parking Services assigning you a spot!

Do I need to file a form 700?

Every elected official and public employee who makes or influences governmental decisions is required to submit a Statement of Economic Interest, also known as the Form 700. The Form 700 provides transparency and ensures accountability. Find out if your position has been selected as a designated employee. If you are a designated employee you are … Continued

What forms do I need to fill out?

Welcome – we are happy to have you as apart of our team! We know you have some paperwork to complete, and you can find all of the forms you need online as well as the checklist to make sure you have completed everything that HR needs.

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