FAQ Topic: City Council Meetings
Presenting to the City Council is an important part of the decision making process, and it is always good to be as prepared as possible. Check out this blog post The 4-1-1 on Governing Body Presentations.
Staff reports are critical documents so the City Council and public can learn and understand the issue and options related to local decisions. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you draft the perfect staff report!
Once your agreement has been approved by the City Council, route 2 copies of the agreement (already signed by the contractor) to the City Attorney’s office with the same Contract Routing Form you used for City Attorney review prior to the City Council meeting. Once the city attorney signs the agreement is gets routed to the … Continued
There are several steps that need to be taken prior to getting your staff report approved. Check out our awesome step-by-step guide to get your item added to the City Council agenda and learn about the approval process.
Once you have received approval from your supervisor or department head to place an item on the agenda, complete the Agenda Item Request form at least two weeks prior to the City Council meeting that you wish your item to occur. After your complete the form, make sure to save your draft staff report and … Continued
The City Council meets the first and third Mondays every month at 7 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. In addition to their regular meetings, they occasionally hold special study sessions on certain topics. If Monday is a holiday, the meeting is held on the following Tuesday.