This website is for City employees.

FAQ Topic: City Council / Government

City Departments & Divisions

Department / Division Location Phone City Clerk’s office City Hall (room 209) City Attorney’s office City Hall (room 202) (415) 485-3080 City Manager’s office City Hall (room 203) (415) 485-3070 — Homelessness Division City Hall (upstairs)  — Information Technology Division City Hall (room 207)  — Parking Services Division 1033 C Street — Sustainability Division Boyd … Continued

Public Meetings

The City Council meets regularly every first and third Monday, starting at 7 pm. If the Monday is a holiday, they meet on the Tuesday. The City has a variety of boards and commissions. For information about when they meet, visit the boards and commissions webpage. Refer calls to the City Clerk’s office at 415-485-3066 or … Continued


Refer to the City Clerk’s office at 415-485-3066 or the elections webpage.


Refer to the City Clerk’s office at 415-485-3066 or the public meetings webpage.

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