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September Health Topic: Flu Prevention

Posted on September 11, 2018

Welcome to our health topic for September — flu prevention.
This month’s tips are designed to help protect your workforce during flu season. With healthy habits (Handwashing Flyer) and a flu shot, everyone can do their part to avoid getting the flu — and spreading it to coworkers.

The September challenge is being a Lunch Buddy – have 10 lunches with someone new! You can bring your own lunch, go out to lunch or have a pot luck! Make it a date, ask an old friend, grab a boss or coworker, ask a new employee! Go out as a group….make it fun. Bring colorful napkins or a funny hat! It is important to socialize and good for your physical and mental health. You will find that your day goes faster as you anticipate lunch in the morning and then savor the fun you had in the afternoon.

When we connect with others we learn about common challenges, likes and dislikes and share experiences and perspectives. We become more balanced and feel better about ourselves. It is significantly better to spend time with people in person and who knows it could become a daily occurrence!

Flu flyer

Building habits is easy….
1) Believe it…Pick a habit that you are excited about
2) Shrink it…Break down the habit into something you can achieve
3) Trigger it…Choose a trigger for the habit, ideally something that already happens
4) Prepare for it…Get the tools needed and prepare your environment for success
5) Track it…Write down each time you do the habit so you can see progress
6) Be it…make the habit part of your identity

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