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Archives: FAQs

5. How is leave calculated for part-time employees?

For part-time employees, the City will base leave on the number of hours an employee is normally scheduled to work. If the City cannot confirm these hours for any reason, the City will use a six-month period to average the daily hours.

4. When do I become eligible for this leave?

Employees become eligible after 30 calendar days of employment. “Calendar days means” an employee has been on the payroll for 30 calendar days immediately prior to the day the leave starts (e.g., for an April 1, 2020 leave request, the employee would have been on the payroll since March 2, 2020). Note: This paid leave … Continued

3. Is the leave paid or unpaid?

The leave is technically both: The first 10 days of the public health emergency FMLA leave is unpaid, unless the employee uses their own leave accruals and/or are eligible for Emergency Sick Leave to use in order to be paid for the first 10 days. After that, the City will provide: Paid leave in an … Continued

Telecommuting/Telework/Remote Work

Employees wishing to work remotely during the shelter-in-place order should review the Telework Guidelines and Agreement and submit a request to their supervisor.  If approved, employees should use the Telework Time Tracking Tool to report their work assignments and progress on a regular basis to their supervisor. Unfortunately, temp/seasonal employees are not eligible to participate … Continued

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