Send a Follow Up
The Project Manager, or other designated role, should send a follow up email within 24 hours of the meeting recapping action items from the meeting and next steps.
The Project Manager, or other designated role, should send a follow up email within 24 hours of the meeting recapping action items from the meeting and next steps.
Every meeting should end with clear actions with well-defined responsibilities. Spend the last 5-10 minutes of the meeting discussing action items.
Begin meetings promptly. Everyone’s time is precious, respect attendees’ time and keep meetings to the agreed upon timeline. It’s easy to digress, make sure the group gets back on task when the conversation strays off topic.
Meetings need structure. Spend a few minutes putting together an agenda for your meeting. Send out the agenda prior to the meeting and include it in the invite.
Keep your calendar up to date! (Consider blocking out time on either side of meeting for travel and sanity.) Use Outlook Calendar invitations to schedule your meetings Include information about the purpose of the meeting and proposed agenda in the body of the invite. Identify in the Outlook invite who is a required attendee and … Continued
Define the purpose of your meeting. In order that everyone’s time is respected, narrow the focus to allow for tangible outcomes. What do you hope to get out of this meeting?
Consider the use of everyone’s time. Can the team communicate/collaborate via email, phone conference, or other tools to move the project forward at this time?
After a significant event, all City staff will receive a message from Everbridge. Please respond to this message as prompted to help Management know you are OK and if you can work. To add additional contact information, such as a personal email or cell phone, log into and update your personal information following these instructions.
To update your emergency contact information log into and update your emergency contacts following these instructions.
For private property, refer to the Code Enforcement Division at 415-485-3097. For streets or open space areas, refer to the Public Works Department at 415-485-3355.