Department Web Pages (Intro to Page Builder and Widgets)
Here a quick introduction video to viewing the Department web pages Department Web Pages Overview
Here a quick introduction video to viewing the Department web pages Department Web Pages Overview
Here is a quick video on how to create a ProudCity Gravity Form. ProudCity also has information linked here: ProudCity Forms 101 – ProudCity Help Center Create a form
Here is a quick video on how to create buttons and links with images. Icon Set/Image Set/ Icon Link Widgets
What FAQs are on the Website Frequently asked questions that could be looked up organically on the search bar on the website. Accordion or List style FAQS on project pages Purpose Service center on the Home Page Traditional FAQs using the answers list widget on pages. Condensed lists on pages Here is a quick video on how to create an FAQ … Continued
Here a quick video on how to upload a document: Uploading Documents
Horizontal lines can be used throughout a website to create separation of topics or ideas. Here is a quick video explaining when they are used and where to find the function in Page Builder. Horizontal Lines
Here is a quick video on how to embed media (Videos, Images, Documents) in Page Builder. Embedding Media
Here is a quick video on how to post events to the website. Posting Events
Here is a quick video on how to uploading and posting images to the website. Uploading Images
Here is a quick introduction on Page Types. Page Types