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November Health Topic: Diabetes Prevention

Posted on November 1, 2018

Welcome to our health topic for November — diabetes prevention. This month is all about balanced living and healthy lifestyle changes we can make to avoid, control, or even reverse type 2 diabetes.  The monthly health topic campaign is designed to help keep you healthy and motivated all year long

The November challenge is Brown Bag!  – This challenge encourages you to pack your lunch for the next 20 days.



Building habits is easy….

1)    Believe it…Pick a habit that you are excited about

2)    Shrink it…Break down the habit into something you can achieve

3)    Trigger it…Choose a trigger for the habit, ideally something that already happens

4)    Prepare for it…Get the tools needed and prepare your environment for success

5)    Track it…Write down each time you do the habit so you can see progress

6)    Be it…make the habit part of your identity


Additional Resources:  OMADA Program Flyer

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