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May Health Topic: Mental Health

Posted on May 4, 2020

Welcome to our health topic for May — mental health and wellness.

This month’s focus is on the importance of taking care of the mind as well as the body — with simple things you can do to stay mentally and emotionally strong.

The May challenge is “Flower Power”.  The Flower Power challenge invites you to beautify your surroundings by keeping fresh flowers at home or at your work environment.  You will feel the energy and peace that nature brings.  Take a picture and share your arrangement.  If having fresh flowers inside does not work for you take pictures of flowers in your outdoor surrounding.  Take a walk and share a bunch of flowers….by sharing you can spread a little cheer to someone by brightening their day!  Flowers can actually boost your mood, reduce stress and improve concentration.  They can also combat depression and anxiety.  So stop and smell the flowers during this month’s challenge!


Building habits is easy….

1)    Believe it…Pick a habit that you are excited about

2)    Shrink it…Break down the habit into something you can achieve

3)    Trigger it…Choose a trigger for the habit, ideally something that already happens

4)    Prepare for it…Get the tools needed and prepare your environment for success

5)    Track it…Write down each time you do the habit so you can see progress

6)    Be it…make the habit part of your identity


You can find more resources at our Choose Better site




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