On July 29, the Department of Digital Service and Open Government held their monthly all-hands meeting.
- Two months ago our department Strategic Framework was released and promoted for feedback. After receiving feedback from staff, residents, and community members, we refined our Strategic Plan to present to City Council on August 5, 2019. Thank you to everyone who took the time to review the Plan and respond to the survey, we appreciate you!
- Work space improvements continue in room 207 – we’ve painted, added art to the walls and little plant life to liven up our work space. A big “thank you” to Dave and Omar for helping us accomplish this!
- The migration to Office365 is almost complete and will likely be wrapped up by Friday, August 2.
- Eric Westien shared the analytics for support desk tickets. Graphs displayed a steady decline in tickets open for 30 days down to less than 10 from 50. Great work everyone!
- Security Training compliance has reached 70%. We are aiming to have all staff compliant by the end of August so, if you have not completed the training please do so. We understand that staff have busy schedules and it can be difficult to find the time so we’re evaluating users based on their technology usage, integrating the Security Training with the new hire orientation, and plan to offer department wide and drop-in classes for convenience.
- The Network Team has been working hard to upgrade the wireless network at City Hall to increase visibility, security, and manageability. Upgrades to Public Works and other city facilities will be made in the coming weeks. Thank you Vinh + team for always working hard to keep our network up and running at it’s full potential.