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January Health Topic: Fitness

Posted on January 3, 2019

Happy new year, and welcome to the first monthly health topic for 2019 — fitness.

To start the year on a healthy note, this month’s tips feature simple ways you can stay active and make exercise part of your routine.

The January challenge is “Last Mile”.  This month we invite you to walk or roll part way to work at least 10 days in the month of January.  Most of us do not live within walking distance to work, but that does not mean we cannot walk or roll part of the way there.  If you drive to work, park a few blocks away or park at the far end of the parking lot.  If you take public transportation consider getting off at an earlier stop.  Plan ahead so you have enough time and make it an enjoyable experience.  The exact distance is up to you.  Not only will you add exercise to your day, it gives you time for downtime to think and let go of stress.  This can really lighten your mood and can also help you get a better night sleep.  Take the challenge for part of your commute!



Building habits is easy….

1)    Believe it…Pick a habit that you are excited about

2)    Shrink it…Break down the habit into something you can achieve

3)    Trigger it…Choose a trigger for the habit, ideally something that already happens

4)    Prepare for it…Get the tools needed and prepare your environment for success

5)    Track it…Write down each time you do the habit so you can see progress

6)    Be it…make the habit part of your identity


Additional Resources: Flyers

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