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Digital Update: brand guidelines, collaboration tools and strategic planning

Posted on February 11, 2019

Council Chambers Audio/Video

Our last City Council meeting faced several challenges related to technology and audio. Due to an overwhelming request for translation devices we exceeded our capacity for providing this service. Additionally, feedback from a microphone caused disruptions that at one point halted the meeting. We are working on solutions for both issues.

Our staff is working with our audio contractor CMS to test and re-cable audio cables that may have been damaged in the installation of ballistic shielding behind the dais. Additionally, we are ordering replacement microphones to have on hand in the case of future microphone failures. We are also developing a process for continual testing to ensure we find issues before meeting, not during meetings.

To better accommodate both translation services and assisted listening we are ordering additional headsets and listening devices. Our goal is to make sure that all members of the public who attend our meetings can hear and participate regardless of language differences or hearing impairments.

Lastly, we will be removing old technology equipment and cables from the Council Chambers this week to reduce confusion, clutter, and make the room look more professional.

Training for New Council Chambers Technology

Employees now have the capability to connect a laptop to the projector in the Council Chambers from either side of the room. Additionally, we will be changing the way staff presentations to the City Council interact with the PC on the south wall. We also want to provide training to all staff members who use this room for presentations on how to use assisted listening and translation devices. We are currently working on documenting all procedures, but we recommend that staff who regularly use this room get training on the new solutions.

Later this month we will host training sessions in the Council Chambers, so everyone knows how to use the room’s technology. We will be sending invitations to our sessions shortly.

San Rafael 2040 General Plan to Use Office 365 Tools for Collaboration

Have you ever worked with outside contractors and struggled to share documents? How about a team of consultants for a multi-year project? We are currently working with Community Development staff to set up a centralized environment for the sharing and collaboration of documents with contractors and subcontractors supporting the General Plan. This new solution allows staff to use a centralized and modern approach to team collaboration including accessing and editing documents online from any location as well as document version control to view revisions over time. We are excited to provide guidance and assistance with all departments in using the new collaborative software made available through the Microsoft Office Upgrade Project.

How to Use the Brand Guidelines

The City of San Rafael Brand Guidelines and Style Guide help us to establish a strong voice that, used consistently, resonates with the public, builds awareness, and helps manage public perceptions of the City. This consistency is imperative to present the work of the City in a professional manner and reinforce a consistent perception of the City of San Rafael.

Our Brand Guidelines are available on the Employee Website and include links to the City logo and seal, information on how to use them properly, email signatures, City colors, City typography, City stock photos, and more. City fonts, Lato and Bw Mitga are open source licenses and available for download here. If you have questions on how to use these guidelines, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Strategic Planning Update

Our department is continuing to make progress on our strategic plan. This week we worked to refine our mission, core values, and guiding principles. We also began to develop goals and strategic objectives for the upcoming five years. Also, as part of this process we are establishing a governance structure that will help us work towards developing a technology plan like the City’s capital improvement plan. Next, we will be getting feedback from our team and reaching out to departments for additional feedback. We also plan on getting feedback from the community and City Council later this Spring.

Please continue to keep us aware of all technology, service design, or community engagement related projects or ideas by filling out this form. We use this information to plan our work load and priorities. The earlier we know, the better we can support you.

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