Digital Digs
Over the last several months we’ve been making improvements to our workspaces. In room 207, aka the Enterprise, we’ve taken down the cubicles, added a fresh coat of paint, created a big whiteboard wall, and installed a large monitor for video calls. Sean made some rad posters and installed art to brighten up the space. Our space downstairs, aka the Engine Bay, has been converted into workstations for Xantrion and equipment storage.
Digital Team Brings Fire Station 57 Online
Over the past few years, the Digital Service team has been working collaboratively with Fire Department staff and Public Works to manage technology projects related to the City’s Essential Facilities projects. Last week, we put the final touches on new Fire Station 57 including the installation of workstations, telephones, televisions, printers, and network services for the station. We are proud to be part of these projects and look forward to the Public Safety Center and the additional Fire Station projects.
PG&E Keeps Public Information Officer Team on its Toes
PG&E’s recent announcement of a potential PG&E Power Shutoff prompted our team to get into high gear as we worked to implement our Power Shutoff Public Information Playbook. After the last PG&E Power Shutoff, the Digital PIO team developed a template and checklist for responding to future power shutoff events. After coordinating initial public messaging with Marin County on Tuesday we worked to develop messages for our outreach channels, including an emergency hotline message and templates for Public Information Centers and charging stations. Thankfully, Marin averted a shutoff this time and our team had the opportunity to further refine our response playbook. We learned to be nimble and patient in responding to the unpredictable nature of these events and PG&E’s information.
In the Pipeline
A preview of some projects in the works…
- We’re about to kick-off a project with a startup called ZenCity. Based in Tel-Aviv, this start-up works with cities of all sizes to help them understand public sentiment around major issues facing their community.
- We’re making improvements to our Street Sweeping Map beta based on user feedback. Our goal is to help residents know when to move their cars. Early feedback shows a desire for text notifications and the option to sync their street sweeping days with personal calendars, we’ve got work to do!
- After using Camino for digital cannabis licensing, we are now excited about a new potential partnership with Community Development to help people navigate a streamlined permit process.
- And more!
Save the Date – Digital Open House
In honor of our department’s one-year anniversary, we will be hosting an open house on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 from 10am to noon in room 207. We will be showcasing the various projects we’ve worked on with departments over the past year. Stay tuned for more info.